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Gaming's best songs

I'm already bored from my vacation, so I decided to list the top 3 soundtracks on current-gen consoles. I'll let the music do the talking, so let's jump right in!

3. The World Ends With You

Examples: Hybrid - Give Me All Your Love - Calling - Twister

Nothing to say except I FREAKING LOVE this game. Best DS game. Seriously, I'm not even gonna say "until now", because I know nothing will ever beat it.

2. Super Mario Galaxy 2

Examples: Space Storm Galaxy - Cosmic Cove Galaxy - Fluffy Bluff Galaxy

Not much to say, although I do think it's the closest a game's ever come to perfection. I can say without a doubt I will never forget this game.

1. Final Fantasy 13

Examples: Eidolons - Saber's Edge - Nautilus

Yes, I've always been a sucker for Final Fantasy, and 13 is no exception. Let me just say that I'm among the seemingly few people that loved FF13, and it's music is some of the most refined in gaming. There isn't a track I don't like, and I mean that.

And now some others worth mentioning:

Surprisingly great OSTs:

Phoenix Wright series - I honestly never expected anything from this PW: Justice for All when I bought out of impulse. And I was dumbfounded when I discovered the whole series is incredible. Examples: Cornered - Pressing Pursuit - Steel Samurai Theme (Cell version)

Trauma Team - For years I've loved Trauma Center, and they finally hit the bullseye with Team. Kimishima is my favorite character:D. Examples: The Dead Shall Speak - Critical Moments - Struggle For Life

And that's it hope you liked it. Agree? Disagree? Better songs? Leave a comment with your views.

Well, that's that

The 360 came from the repair shop, and even when split by two, the bill was still big enough to drain my month's disposable income. So I won't be buying Trinity Universe, I'm spending my money on Peace Walker. But I decided I'll replay some of my games instead of buying more games. I'm playing Disgaea 2 again, but I want to either play Wind Waker of Tales Of Vesperia again. Or maybe MGS4, or Arkham Asylum. I don't know, but as of today, I have four days off, so I can take my time with some of my favorite games. Gotta love holidays!

So, I finished a game today...

It's Alan Wake! I got it around 2 PM and now 3 AM, it's done and buried. I didn't stop playing for a second. Now, I know what you're thinking: "What travesty is this, when did you buy a 360?" The answer would be: "I didn't." I did however start sponging of a certain somebody's Xbox, and it's great, 'cause now I have this whole new world to explore. So much became available in so little time. I don't know where I'll go from here, maybe Lost Odyssey. I've already beaten Gears Of War 2 and Tales Of Vesperia, but other than those, any good exclusives out there (I say exclusive because most of the 360's library I've played on the PS3)? So my question to you: Have you ever jumped onto a platform mid-gen, with which console? That's it, I won't be back for a while.

A life lesson:

Do NOT try to learn how to juggle online. And as a bonus, here's another one: Don't call red-headed people "Rusty".

Monsterhunter Monsterhunter Monsterhunter Monsterhunter

Bought MHT, my first Wii game this year. At first I was like wtfboring, but then I stumbled upon the online mode. It's TOO good, the kind of thing that's so good and you play so much it's unhealthy. OK, I'm still LVL. 1, and my first quest with someone, I was hunting this bigger version of one of the game's initial enemies... and I died. I felt so embarrassed when I saw we'd lost points because of me, I thought about running away there on the spot. This is something that haunts me whenever I see something online: fear. I see all those people with their LVL 50 badges on MW and me with a cadet badge. Although it never really happened to me, I can see it clearly: me costing my team so many points they boo me off the game (guess that tells you more about me as a person than a gamer :)). But I've decided that's silly, I'm confronting my fear and trying online on everything, like Uncharted 2 (tons 'o fun, but I'm still level 4). That's it, if people wanna play online on MH with somebody who forgets the controls halfway through a quest (OK, not really, but I still haven't gotten the hang of swimming), leave a comment so we can play!

A miniscule update

I know I said I wouldn't blog, but what the heck, I'm bored. Here goes: I finished Darksiders, and I don't feel at all accomplished. But I expected that from the beginning. And as you can see, I've decided to take a break from all else that isn't JRPGs. In my NP, you'll see what I consider to be the best PS1 games that don't have the word "Final" in them. They still surprise me graphically, even being ~10 years old. And in the meanwhile, I'm enjoying RoF and FF13 until SMG2. So that's all for the week or more.

Games that feel like a chore.

I've been playing Darksiders for the whole week, and I still haven't beaten it. Firstly, because I don't feel at all accomplished or satisfied after beating a boss. I just feel like "Thank God, I'm this closer to finishing this and never having to play again." Secondly, the difficulty is so uneven I keep wondering if pressing R2 isn't cycling through the difficulty levels. Some bosses I'll beat in the blink of an eye, and sometimes, the game throws so many enemies at a time that you can't dodge one attack without getting hit by another. So, let's think for a bit: something that you just want to get over with, doesn't make you happy when you finish it, and bores you so much you try to off yourself by swallowing the controller. That, my friends, is how I view chores. Like, when you wake up on a saturday morning and you have to scrub the house's toilets. You aren't happy about it before, during or after you're cleaning other's poo. So my question: What games made you feel like this? Games where you didn't have fun at all? That's it for awhile, I won't post for the rest of the week.

It's a dull life, it's a dull place... (A boring update)

Just some stuff that's happened this week, the most important being I finished another game: Modern Warfare 2. Just some cosiderations:

  • I had no idea what the hell was going on, even though I had played MW1 and didn't skip any scene in both games. It's crazy, I mean, one second every thing's fine, and then all crap goes to hell and you've become a walking target to everything that has a gun.
  • Even though it was short and too much like MW1, it was still an exhilarating ride all-throughout. It's a solid AAA.
  • I'm hooked on multiplayer, but I've only played local MP so far.

I've also decided that I'd take this time to finish some games before my Resonance Of Fate copy arrives, so I've started playing Darksiders and Killzone 2 again. Both are great, but when I got them, I was swamped with other games and normal-life stuff, so I never got around to finishing them. And I've finally found a copy of Persona 3 FES! And it' too good. I can say with certainty that I'm enjoying it more than Persona 4 (but P4's soundtrack is better). I'm also playing a lot of FF13, just going around completing people's Crystarium. And that's it, I'll give a cookie to whoever gets the reference in this blog's title.

Finished one more game

See if you can guess which one:

  • It has a numeral in the name;
  • One of the game's trophies is named "Eye candy";
  • You run around killing gods in Olympus and have two blades and your name is Kratos;

Still haven't gotten it? I beat God Of War 3. It's definitely the best in the series. I won't be doing the challenges for a while, because my copy of ROF will arrive around Tuesday, and I'm still not even halfway through FF. So, that's it for today.

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