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Games that got you into a genre.

It's simple, what games were so good it made seek out others like it? Here's mine:

  • RPG: On the PS1, I started playing Breath Of Fire IV, a game too great to be put into words. After it, my love only became deeper when I played FFX and Tales Of Symphonia. Notable honors: Dark Cloud 2. Too good, play it NOW, or your just plain missing out on life. And Persona 4 is also one of the best. And Tales Of Vesperia. Let's not forget Kingdom Hearts (yes I could fill this page with awesome RPGs)

  • Hack 'N Slash: On the PS2, when I played Devil May Cry 2, followed by God Of War, and DMC4. One that I won't ever forget is Bayonetta. Say what you want but I enjoyed it a LOT. I mean A WHOLE LOT.

  • Shooters: First, it was Gears Of War, then Modern Warfare. After that came Killzone 2. Not really one of my most played genres. But I must point out how much I love Uncharted 2.

  • Strategy: FF Tactics was very important, as was Devil Survivor. One I love above all else is FFT: Grimoire Of The Rift.

Genres I want to get into, but I don't have the time/patience:

  • Fighters: I would love to get lost in fighters, but I have no past experiences, so you can imagine how hard it is to jump right into to a fighter. All I can do is mash buttons and try not to crap my pants. But I'm trying, with Blazblue and Tekken.

  • RTS: My main reason not to play them is because of how ugly they look on my PC, and laggy. But I would still like it a lot if I could get into them, they look like fun.

Well that's it, I realize its a little short but that's because: A) You only need to know how much I love RPGs to figure me out as a gamer and B) I don't want to elaborate any further because I'm sleepy. Goodbye.

Got a new emblem.

For a nice number of mutual friendships, I was awarded with a butterfly emblem. Thanks everybody, couldn't have done it without you. Also, out off posting for a while 'cause I was hooked on Persona 4 (and I joined the Persona X union). P4 is just so much fun, and building relationships have meaning. It's not the type of game where you just chat up the person you want to "romance" (Dragon Age *winkwink*), you actually want to be friends with you're comrades, be it for battle bonuses, or just because of how fun and deep they are. Also, Durarara has also kept me busy, but what can I say. When you get a view of the "full picture", and how people's stories come together, you can't help wondering about people the around you, and how little you know then.Also wishing a happy Easter to everybody.That's all until probably Sunday/Monday.

Some updates.

So, I finally had the time to sit down and play God Of War III, and ZOMG it's too good. I'll try and reserve judgment, because not all great games remain great throughout, but I'm hooked. Also I've been cooking up a new blog post "Deliciously Convoluted Stories". Yes, don't expect anything more than JRPGs (not really). I should post it 'till tomorrow. Also, for some reason I've been possessed with nostalgia, and before I knew it I was making a list of awesome PS/PS2 games to replay. They include:

  • Final Fantasy VII
  • Final Fantasy IX
  • Persona 4
  • Vagrant Story
  • Xenogears
  • TWEWY (Best DS game. Period.)

I also have a plethora of games I wish I had played when they were released, like FFVIII and FF Tactics. I maybe checking them out later. I also am awaiting my copy of Resonance Of Fate (End Of Eternity sounds better), which managed great score all around. And that's that, I'm going to finally play my PSP again, after a year of it just laying there.

DIY addicted.

A gamer since I was four and played Looney Tunes games on the SNES, I couldn't help but plan my life as a game designer by age twelve. I had it all figured out, I'd learn japanese and move to a large city, where I'd spend my days creating entire fantasy worlds from scratch while I listened to J-pop and read manga. It was a sweet dream to have, and I was sure it would work. Alas, reality hit me like a brick on the face and before long my aspirations transformed to a SoHo apartment and a steady career as a lawyer. Then, just like that, my dreams shifted back to the heart of japanese soil. First, Durarara. It reminded me why I always adored the culture and its people. Second, Warioware. Making a game, short as it is, from scratch, made me think about all possibilities. The game gave a sheet of paper, and I let my imagination run loose. I've made around 15 games, including hitting all ?blocks as Mario, to make Peach pop out of a castle. Also, a game with three buttons, two ? and one !. Hit the exclamation mark, and it's game over. I don't really know what's gonna happen from here. Which path to follow, my dream job, or a life where I have financial security? I can only thank God I have all the time in the world to decide. I'll do what I can to keep both paths available, beginning by learning japanese and finishing school. Where I'll go from there, nobody knows.

Started Durarara.

Yep, all it's cut out to be: gripping and filled with charm. Also, gonna go on one last Soul Eater frenzy to finish it once and for all. Since two anime is never enough (also watching Bleach, but I don't know why I bother with it's terrible filler), I need a recommendation. I will hunt down and behead whoever suggests Naruto.

Things everybody hates and I don't mind, volume I

So you're playing a JRPG and one character talks with an annoying voice that you wish you could mute without muting the rest of the game. OK, dialogue ended, you saved, and you've forgotten all about that ear-piercing voice. But when you visit System Wars there's five threads complaining about that one annoyance, and discrediting the whole game because of it. This post is to list things I don't mind, but is apparently a deal-breaker for other gamers.

I present to youThings everybody hates and I don't mind or TEHAIDM V. I! (I'm not actually gonna call it that.) OK, let's dive right in:

Linearity. Prime example: Final Fantasy XIII. The whole "point A to point B then to point C" thing a lot of JRPGs have going on is pretty much what everybody complains about.

Visual aid.

It really doesn't bother at all, in fact I actually like it. It helps the story flow, and an awesome story is all I need to keep me going.

Button Mashing. Prime example: God Of War. When people say a game like GOW lacks depth cause all you do is smash the attack button for 6 hours, I ask myself "does it need any more depth than that?" It's selling well the way it is, and I think that it sells well because people want a game where you can vent all your anger on that poor square button. Why does GTA sell so much? (not because of the story, I'm sure). 80% of buyers just wanna spawn a helicopter, take it to the maximum height, jump down and hit it with a rocket-launcher as you fall, then laugh like a twelve year old when you fall on the ground and each of your limbs goes to a different point in the map.

Remakes. Prime example:Tales Of Vesperia (PS3). You've completed an awesome some years ago and love it, so they announce they've upped the graphics and added some new scenes not yet seen. Why wouldn't you buy it? I sure would. But a lot of people say that the manpower wasted re-doing that game could've gone to a new IP or a sequel. But if a company is making money, they don't mind the means. Say they remake FFVII, it'll sell really well, right? More so than say, risking it with a new artsy game like Okami (which I like a lot). Some may not like it, but sticking with what people know and like sells. I'm not saying it's right, but what can you do?

And that's it. Hope you enjoyed it.

Started playing HeartGold.

I came across some conclusions while comparing the two:

For worse:

It takes more grinding than I remember. It's way too much, coming from someone who plays JRPGs almost exclusively (OK, not really, but it's definitely the one I like the most, and consequently play the most). When I tell myself "OK, let's just sit down and keep going until level 25." I've crapped out on this 4 or 5 times already.

The Gym battles are harder then I remember, but the Rival is easier than I imagined. Let me just say I HATE MILTANK. I died twice on this cow (pun intended). But, the rival, I easily beat whenever I try. Even with pretty big level gaps, I beat easily, and even when I had 5 more levels than the 3rd leader's Clefairy, she still OHKO'd me using Metronome.

I think all changes/new things are redundant. You enter Bugsy's Gym, and... WTH are these spiders? It isn't even fun or intelligent. It's a chore. I'm already going to face every trainer, they don't need to mask that with some crappy recreation of Gyms that were already fine. Also, Pokéthlon, is that some kind of joke?

The same:

The story still sucks. Not that it needs it, but the story is boring and bland. I want a skip option.

No new pokémon. A big plus, no new pokémon, they're all fugly. And yes I now they can be caught with the radio program, but I don't see them if I don't have to. Yay.

For better:

Battle animations are awesome. Some attack animations are great, and they really help get immersed in the more intense fights (not that are many). And music in battle is awesome, but in the field, not so much.

That's about it. It's definitely the best pokémon there is, but that's like saying "this is the prettiest puppy in the box of dead animals." So share your thoughts on this game and the series as a whole.

On a side note, yes I rage-quit blogging because I never met my deadlines, so I've stopped making them. Post will come when I'm inspired, or won't come at all.

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