It's simple, what games were so good it made seek out others like it? Here's mine:
- RPG: On the PS1, I started playing Breath Of Fire IV, a game too great to be put into words. After it, my love only became deeper when I played FFX and Tales Of Symphonia. Notable honors: Dark Cloud 2. Too good, play it NOW, or your just plain missing out on life. And Persona 4 is also one of the best. And Tales Of Vesperia. Let's not forget Kingdom Hearts (yes I could fill this page with awesome RPGs)
- Hack 'N Slash: On the PS2, when I played Devil May Cry 2, followed by God Of War, and DMC4. One that I won't ever forget is Bayonetta. Say what you want but I enjoyed it a LOT. I mean A WHOLE LOT.
- Shooters: First, it was Gears Of War, then Modern Warfare. After that came Killzone 2. Not really one of my most played genres. But I must point out how much I love Uncharted 2.
- Strategy: FF Tactics was very important, as was Devil Survivor. One I love above all else is FFT: Grimoire Of The Rift.
Genres I want to get into, but I don't have the time/patience:
- Fighters: I would love to get lost in fighters, but I have no past experiences, so you can imagine how hard it is to jump right into to a fighter. All I can do is mash buttons and try not to crap my pants. But I'm trying, with Blazblue and Tekken.
- RTS: My main reason not to play them is because of how ugly they look on my PC, and laggy. But I would still like it a lot if I could get into them, they look like fun.
Well that's it, I realize its a little short but that's because: A) You only need to know how much I love RPGs to figure me out as a gamer and B) I don't want to elaborate any further because I'm sleepy. Goodbye.
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