[QUOTE="-Sun_Tzu-"] But the end result of that wouldn't lead to more people being insured. It wouldn't be healthy (pun intended) compettition - it would basically be the insurance companies competing against each other in order to maximize profits, seeing who can do the best at denying coverage to those who need it.
Your logic doesn't make sense, "competing against each other in order to maximize profits", yeah its called capitalism. The big bad corporation is going to get you. If there was 10 companies to choose from, your logic would suggest all 10 would be corrupt. Did you really think the people who has bankrupted Social Security, Medicare, Cash for Clunkers etc. is going to be able to run a national bureaucracy over seeing health care? The Democrats and socialists don't want money they want power and control. "if we can just control this part of the country, we can run it better and it would be better for everyone." blah blah blah. More people being insured, great, they won't get the care they need, but by God they'll be assured. Social security is fine, the problem with medicare is the broken health care system it is embedded in, and Cash for Clunkers is just a silly straw man that is such a non-issue and has nothing to do with anything relevant. You are just spewing conservative talking points about how free markets make everything better. The private sector does a lot of good on its own; when it comes to health care, it doesn't.I'm not saying that the insurance companies are corrupt, it's just that there is really no incentive for health insurance companies to care for the health of their customers on their own; in fact there is a disincentive - any care they pay for is a financial loss to them. That's why they deny as many as they can while only accepting the healthy, because the healthy cost less to take care of. With a public option there is a different sort of competition going on; all of a sudden there is an insurer that's not interested in making a profit and is there primarily to care for its customers and is a viable alternative to private insurance. That provides an incentive for the private insurers to become serious about the care that their customers receive, because the only other option would be going out of business, and that is the ultimate disincentive.
Social Security is not fine. I have a Finance Degree with a Associates in Bus. Admin. The talking point was the government can't run anything with efficiency. Public schools, medicare, state run medicaid problems, cash for clunkers, the stimulus package, the community reinvestment act, the losing up of lending guidlines to promote home ownership, the AIG bail out, the Gold Sachs bailout and their promotion to take lehman brothers and bearn stearns place while denying Walmart to come in, FHA, the bailout of GM and Chrysler, TARRP program what other examples do you want of the adject failure of the U.S. and State governments moving into the private sector and making a mess out of it, its not conservative talking points it common sense.The public option isn't about MONEY, its about control.
Free markets do make it better, I live in Minnesota, the Mayo Clinic is in Rochester, MN. Do you know how many denigtaries and head of state come HERE, the big bad capitalist run health care, system? tons. I have 4 canadian friends, all 4 prefer the U.S. system to the Canadian. Two of those friend's dads may not be alive if they didn't pay out of pocket for their care in the states. I had a client from Japan, had cancer, Japan was going to delay his treatment/surgery. He called around in the states negotiated with the U.S. hospitals and paid cash for his treatment. Did you get it he flew from Japan's FREE system to come to Amercia's capitalistic run system. He didn't go to France, Canada, Spain or Britain.
So the question to you is: What differentiates the U.S. system from all the other that denigtaries/heads of state and my client, a missionary by the way, would want to come to the U.S. rather than utilize their own free government run systems?
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