@jcrame10: I hope you're some 13 year old kid, it'd be embarrassing if you're any older than that.
fishpockets' forum posts
@Solaryellow: first it's the typical "wow look how much better nintendo is than all these other companies" (in this case, releasing a demo) and then to "well it was mostly for marketing...". 0 to 100 real quick. LMAO
TC has poor reading comprehension.
Because TC is dumb.
Wow, that's fantastic. I'll probably still get it on PS4, but it's great it's coming to multiple platforms.
I've played the game for maybe two hours or so thus far and I played during the Global Testfire as well. So I have a decent idea of how it is.
It's really fun, and I can easily see myself being addicted to it in the long run. It's a unique shooter that's very Nintendo. It's becomes really fun once you get a hang of the mechanics and the controls. During the Global Testfire I hated the gyro controls, but hated the analog controls even more. So I wasn't really feeling the game. Since then though, I've learned how to play fairly well with Gyro and can't imagine using the analog sticks at all. It's less intuitive and less accurate. I like the various types of weapons in the game, especially the paint roller. Also, the game had a tremendous social following since it was announced and it's integrated into the game well. The central hub, Inkopolis Plaza (where you can customize your character and weapons) is so stylized, it's incredibly charming. I just love how unique this game is compared to everything else in the genre. Plus, the characters names make me laugh -- like Spyke, a spiky haired Sea Urchin and Crusty Sean, the Japanese tiger prawn wearing a tempura outfit, are so damn weird that I love it.
My biggest complaints are mostly slight annoyances. The biggest one being that you can't change your loadout without exiting your current lobby. Thankfully though, finding a game doesn't take very long. Only have two maps in rotation every 4 hours is annoying, I'd like to be able to vote each game instead. There should be voicechat in the game, but I don't feel like the lack of it deters from the game. Since Turf Wars is designed around the idea of having your teams ink cover the majority of the map, the visual cues do enough to easily create a strategy with your team. It'd be nice to have parties chats/joining a party with your friends. Also, those two sisters who talk every time you boot up the game -- and you can't skip it, is infuriating.
I've yet to try single player but I look forward to the boss fights, though I think that's fairly short.
Splatoon has so much hype. I haven't powered my WiiU on in.... a long time... Just been waiting for that new Xenogears game.. Hope GB West ends up doing the Splatoon quick look.
They did a quick look, but I ended up buying it since I knew a few people who were picking it up as well. I asked the worker Best Buy how often people had been coming in to pick it up, he said every 10-15 minutes someone was asking for a copy. I've heard it's selling out in Japan too. Considering Nintendo is advertising it as much as they did MK8, I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes a big commercial success for them.
It's pretty fun so far and the more I'm playing it the more I'm enjoying it.
@ttualumni13: Yeah for sure, but I'll probably experiment while I'm at it. It's a long game, so I might as well!
Noobs ;)
Jordan told me I'm too under leveled, and to watch how much EXP I get from fighting certain enemies. I'll do that going forward + I need to go back to Colony 9 to get more side quests and craft more gems.
But... I do think Shulk, Reyn and Sharla is a very good combo but I was trying to use Dunban last night instead of Sharla.
I'm trying different combinations in Xenoblade right now but I feel like I can't give up Sharla, the heal arts she has are just so useful! Especially since I maxed out a lot of them.
Fighting to get online in Splatoon is like fighting over stale bread.
So which one of you morons is going to get Splatoon and you know that you're not 9 right?
Also why the frig do you waste time with Nintendo? Is it a money thing? If it's a money thing I totally understand but if it's not money what the hell?
The fact that you love Pokemon makes this all the more amusing.
@ttualumni13:Good to know, thanks!
@roboccs: One of the problems I had with the Wii version was I had absolutely no idea how to use her. She just joined my party so I might experiment again, but I'm using the same combo I did on the Wii -- Shulk, Reyn and Sharla. Sharla heals me like CRAZY, so it helps quite a lot and I've almost filled her entire meter for her Heal Round.
I actually don't know the advantage of using Melia or Dunban, I read the description of their arts but it won't do much until I actually use them in combat I guess -- or I look at a wiki :).
One of the reasons I got a New 3DS XL was because I wanted Xenoblade as well, but mainly because I like having the new everything... but I lessened the blow by selling my old 3DS XL, but gave my Midnight Purple 3DS to my girlfriend. That one is so damn tiny looking back at it now...!
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