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Another Day Another Time #21

Hey all,

I just got home and it's 1am. Came back from a friends place down in Abbotsford. My mom went there to talk to her friends and she cried as she explained all her feeling towards her friends about the breakup over her and my dad. It was quite hard to watch...

Anyways, I haven't been able to play at all today.

Sorry for the bad post all but at least I did what I came here to do, share my thoughts and feelings with fellow gamers.




Another Day Another Time #20

Hey all,

Today is a mixed day. My mom and I are going groceries in the afternoon, and we're going to church at 5. I don't like going to church that late but what can you do? I didn't eat dinner last night so right now I'm extremely hungry.

I played some more on the Halo 2 Campaign. I think the storyline is awesome because it so far has given me 2 different perspectives on the same issue. And it's quite interesting! I'm thinking of playing some CounterStrike now. I got back into playing Socom 2 for the Playstation 2. I don't know why but I did last night. Soooo much lag it made me want to cry.

Alright I gonna go play some games, see ya'll later! Peace.



Another Day Another Time#19.5

Hey Guys,

I am currently waiting for my dad to come pick me up because he was going to take me out as a treat. Most likely it's going to be a movie. I really don't want to go out tonight but I guess I have to. Bah. Oh well hopefully it's better then I hope. I am getting on better terms with my mom now :D.

I've been really stupid, for the while that I have been waiting for my dad, I didn't even touch Halo 2. WHY. I ask my self now 4 hours later...damn. Oh well at least I'm coming home tonight so that I can still play Halo 2 and CounterStrike for how long that I like. Bah.

I updated my site! So please join the forums so that I can get that going too. the URL is: http://devoted.to/theinfiniteones . So yeah please check that out and join the forums so that you know what's going on with the clan and whatnot. Also check out my clan logo that I made for our clan. I gotta go. Peace.



Another one...finished.

I just beat Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. It was a good game while it lasted. The Storyline was awesome, and it really did a good job of sucking you into the world of Carl CJ Johnson. I'm not going to say anything as I might spoil it for jekyll or anyone else that is finishing the game. Peace guys and I'll give you all an update on my character later.



Another Day Another Time #18

Hey guys,

My family has been having some problems lately. As well as my mother not being satisfied with my Report Card. To which I did good! Not incredible but good! She was all like C+ and A's were bad! She's been VERY moody and it's making for some VERY rough days! I hate it so much. I need help guys...I need to get away.


I've been doing alot of school lately. I somehow squeezed in some Halo hours which I am happy of. I started up my Grand Theft Auto San Andreas CD again a while ago. I want to finish it so I can see what happends to CJ and his brother, Sweet.

Basketball sign up's started today but I didn't go to it because I needed to go with my friend to his house. I can sign up tomorrow. Hopefully this year it's alot better because last year we only won 3 games.

Bah I don't feel like writing right now...sorry guys my mom really pisses me off right now. Peace.



P.S. I'm level 10 now on Halo 2...again because I lost it a while back (went back to level 9).

Another Day Another Time #17.5

Hey guys,

I'm doing just one last post before I head off to bed. I am so tired. Just started working for Caligula's on Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and I saved Madd Dogg (this infamous rapper). Alright I gotta go because I'm gonna fall asleep at the wheel. Peace.



Another Day Another Time #17

Hey guys,

Another day of school today but I start late today...9:30AM compared to 8:30AM. But I can't stay home because my mom has work early. So I have to spen one hour at school....with like 5 people. Bah. Just finished all the abandoned airport missions. It is now an asset. Gonna go have to go out with that woman that works for Caligula's now. Well see you guys later! Peace.




I just found all those Statistics AND I also found the clan creation for it. I sent ShadeZero a message for it so please join it or else Bungie will delete the clan! I am also going to be sending other people invites to the group. If you are looking for the group go to the Bungie.net site, click on community and go to group search. Type in "infinite 1" and my clan should pop up. Click join the clan and I will accept your request.


I had a good day at school today. My friend Joe is still being a bad man. I don't like him as a friend that much anymore. I have guitar lessons tonight because I missed them last night. Joe and I fought this one time and it was because I didn't want him watching a movie on our brand new TV (I don't trust him that much). So yeah, Anyways.

I've been playing Halo 2 alot lately. I recommend joining Bungie.net as a secondary site because it's very good if you like Halo 2/Bungie stuff. I like it alot.

Character Appearance on Halo 2: Red primary colour, Orange secondary colour, Steel primary emblem colour, Red Secondary emblem colour, valkyrie emblem foreground, circle emblem background, Spartan player model.

Another Day Another Time #16

Hey guys,

My Halo 2 clan that I created, infinite.1, is doing quite successful and I would like to thank all of my members for participating and helping the clan grow. All I need is all those things that bungie said they would give us on their website (clan site, clan forums, DETAILED statistics). So far I haven't seen any of that. I was kind of disappointed.

Well this is going to be my first day back to school while Halo 2 is at home. It's going to suck....alot. Alright I gotta go.

Peace guys.

