kirby gets 20th anniversary and Metroid doesn't? wow
fluffy_kins' forum posts
Wii U Zelda? We won't... we just got a Zelda game 6 months ago. I think we will get a teaser for Zelda 3DS though
all I'm interested in is the price and seeing a game running on the system (that was made specifically for Wii U and shows what it can do) and someone actually playing it. Oh and the games planned of course.
For some things, yes. The red enemies that just constantly block your attacks. I could only ever hit them with random spin attacks or shield parry and then flail. Other things like the bow, whip, clawshots, bomb throwing, flying, etc felt great. But some combat felt tiresome and contrivee, using it for swimming just felt awkward, and anything that uses the nunchuk like rolling was just a hassle. Was rolling necessary with the dash feature? No. I just love it so much from the N64 games. lol
Double post
I think they need to rethink their marketing as well. The Other M advertisement was awful. It focused too much on Samus being an attractive blonde in a skin tight suit and it featured some live action cheesy cosplay-looking stuff. That's gonna turn away most people who aren't hardcore Metroid fans. I'm not saying it's right, that's just the way it is.
Probably by getting Retro back on the series and maybe retconning Samus's character, should they choose to have her speak again.
I've played through SS twice and I still can't quite pin point why it's just not as good as other Zeldas. The design of it feels like a Mario game in a way... very bright colors, goofy enemies... it's in no way like wind waker though, if that makes sense. The sky is empty. The main generic enemy is just a pain in the way that it blocks your every move. Repeat bosses, a 'main villain' that's too much like crazy zant... just didn't feel threatening. It's a shame too because this game had some of the best, most original dungeons and character development. But a crappy overworld design, bad art direction, and several annoying characters devoid of charm (Fi, Ghiarahim) just brought this game down for me.
to the combat teacher? I just played this part recently, you're mistaken. You need to go to the lumpy pumkin to get the soup for Leviwhatshisface.
in no particular order
1. No more fetch quests. They're boring and they feel like a chore.
2. More original dungeon ideas with excellent design (ie, sandship and ancient cistern)... and let's give old ideas like fire temples a break... esp after having 2 in SS
3. Get rid of the clean, mario-ized/wii look, but don't go the realistic route either. I think Zelda needs a graphical overhaul... it hasn't gotten it right since WW
4. The option for classic control and whatever the Wii U offers
5. More optional things to do inbetween dungeons (not fetchquests). I liked what SS did with the characters but honestly, gratitude crystals were lame (and also ripped straight from mario galaxy) and most of the sidequests weren't very interesting or involving. Let's get some emotionally involving ones (Anju and Kafei anyone?) and maybe even throw in some non character driven ones that give you an optional item. But a USEFUL one... lol
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