I'm on my second playthrough. There is something about the game that keeps me playing. I'm currently set my sights on the artorias set and weap. I killed the merchant in my first playthrough so I have to do it again lol.
Had the same problem. In the end I just summoned another player. There is always summoning signs in front of the boss door. Just make sure your nat type isn't strict and other network stuff is sorted so you don't have any "summoning failed" problems.
Just finished Dark Souls. 5 parries and ripostes with black knight sword and target shield was all it took. Lighted the fire and credits rolled. No idea what the importance was of lighting that fire. If someone knows feel free to xplain.
Yea, the first 2 tries I realised he was very similiar to artorias only he has fire damage. Funny thing is there summoning signs everywhere for artorias but for this guy there are none. Go figure.
I need help. Anyone care to co-op with me? My GFWL ID is wobsterwobster. 100 hours and I'm ready to move on to Max Payne 3 :) Any help would be greatly appreciated.
So last night I hit a wall in this great game. Anor Londo, Smaugh and Ornstein. After several unsuccessful attempts as a hollow I decided to leave my comfort zone and spend the one humanity I had in the hopes that I could get some help. Low and behold, several summoning signs were at the boss entrance but....after several attempts of summoning I got "summoning failed".
After some research I found that you need to have your NAT restriction not strict and udnp or w/e it is available. At first I tried to open ports in the router but that is overly complicated for a simpleton like me. So what I did was just disabled the firewalls in windows and it seemed to have worked.
Long stroy short NAT to not strict and Upnp to available. Do it in the router or just disable firewalls (but turn them back on later).
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