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freaksngeeks Blog

Let Me Introduce...

Let me introduce a few of our designers here who are relatively newish, and i can't comment on their usernames, I know one is a transformer... _UNICRON_ and RealWildCHild7- both have been flashing their design skills on,, and even GameSpot from time to time. Unicron's been displaying his talents strong on for awhile now, his latest work can be seen here. 'Wildchild's skills are new to our design team utility belt and can be seen here and here.

edoC icnivaD ehT

Just saw The Davinci Code, and having never read the novel, I thought the movie worked, and was a very entertaining treasure hunt meets the fugitive kind of deal. and for whatever pain Tom Hanks hair may cause you, the French actress makes up for ninety-nine fold. Wild how people are getting all huffy and old testament puffy over it, if anything it is an argument for faith, maybe not the Vatican's version, but faith nonetheless of some sort. And since when did people start protesting other people's interpretations of faith in America? It's a movie. I'd say pay the ten bucks and enjoy the show, and if you want to protest something, sit out side the new version of The Omen: now that mess seems worth chanting at. Rating 7/10

Built To Spill'n

The new Built To Spill album is keeping my ear drums drumming. If you're looking for some new music that you won't hear on the radio, then pick up this Idaho group's latest effort. I have enjoyed all of their previous albums, and You In Reverse is no exception. So far it is making a strong case for being their best since my favorite, Keep It Like A Secret. I caught them a few years ago with Symlink at Slim's- what a fantastic show that was. If you find yourself with the chance to see them live, don't pass it up, unless of course you only like House, but even then, I think you'll dig it,t talent is talent after all, and these guys have it by the big-rig.

Please don't let X-Men 3 Stink

Hopefully the bad buzz around X3 is as wrong as the foul wind that blew prior to Pirates Of The Caribbean, because I need a good sci-fi comic book movie right about now. However those early picks of the bad guys in those catwoman-esque cheesy leather outfits bodes for a real mutated stinker.

A There from Afar

As everyone likely knows by now E3 is in full force down in lovely Los Angeles, but this is something worth pointing out for anyone interested in interesting. Now, not everyone can go to the show, you need to be in the gaming industry, spend money with the gaming industry, own someone in the gaming industry, flirt with someone who knows someone who plays games in the gaming industry, or say you're Bill Gates' personal pick-up sticks playing partner. So it's not open to the general public. However- don't go chasing waterfalls our authentic and oddly groomed GameSpot editors are 'a video bloggin their way through the halls- and these videos are just damn enjoyable. Check out Inside E3 blog and note the vids on the right side of the page - it's a kick.

Monster E3 Coverage

If you have even the slightest interest in video games, or are looking for just some fun live video streams and images from convention chaos, I suggest you take a look at what we got cooking over at GameSpot. Check out the GameSpot E3 2006 coverage, it's monsterous!

Tori sPELLing On DeMANd

This is a first for us, and hopefully more shows will follow; VH1 and are teaming up to present full episode streams of the new Tori Spelling show So noTORIous. Basically, the day after the show airs, you can watch it agian, or for the first time, here, free. Now, I can't say if this show is good or not, I'll leave that up to you. It doesn't look like my thing, but, hey it's basically on demand on here, so I'm sure I'll check it out. I invite you all to do the same.

That After Book Glow

Somewhere over the San Francisco Bay, I finished my second James Clavell novel, King Rat. In short, a damn fine book that I highly recommend. Fresh off the heels of Shogun, King Rat is far, far shorter, and smaller in scope, with tight writing, and a great thoughtful ending that gave me that after book glow I haven't had since The Sun Also Rises. It has nothing to do with Shogun, other than there are Japanese military folk in it- but this book is mostly about three men in a POW camp. So, now, as always I ask myself, what next- do I read another from the same author- or just jump into a new area all together like some fanatsy crap?Snide tells me I should read Tipan next, to set myself up for the crown jewel of the Clavell novels Noble House. So, with that, I got some reading to do.