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No Time For Pit Stops.

I picked up Mario Kart Wii today and it has been nothing but fun so far. My racer of choice is Koopa Troopa, but I will test out some more later. The WiFi works great. For anyone else who has it, heres my friend code


Hope to see you out there :)

Anyway thats all. See you space karters.

Gentlemen, Start Your Wii's!

That's right folks, Mario Kart Wii has arrived! I myself shall be picking it up tomorrow and spending much time playing it. Also I will have to get my Wii's online to work so I can play in the community night next Wednesday. I'm sure it will live up to the hype I have set for it, and expect a review sometime soon. Since I'm low on cash I've managed to get my parents to fund me on this one so I dont have to trade in two games (Red Steel, bleh, and Call of Duty 3, which my Dad enjoys) and get it for free, so its all good.

Onto school news. We had our debate in Philosophy on Wednesday. The argument was "Can God and Evil co-exist?" and I was on the affirmative side along with 2 of my friends. I was third speaker and I was close to getting best speaker. Our team were for the affirmative side and we won. I got a 6.25, nearly a 6.50, so an above average mark for me and I am happy. One of my friends isn't since she thinks her mark was unfair. Hell I would've been happy with a 6.0.

Finally, today is ANZAC Day. Lest We Forget.

Anyway thats all. See you space racers.

My Favourite Quote.

This quote was from earlier in the year. The aim of the thread was to find a picture of a cute animal, or something along your lines. Those who spend quite a fair amount of time in OT would've seen a user named MrGeezer. An odd fellow, he often tells stories of his encounters with various animals, and this one of my favourite. You cant make this **** up.

[quote="MeanQuestion"]Puffins are adorable, but I hear they're actually quite vicious MrGeezer

Vicious or not, I'll bet that I could still kick their asses.

Unless we're talking about an ostrich, emu, cassowary, or a bigass eagle, I don't take no **** from no punk-ass birds.

Did I ever tell you about my dad's pet goose? That thing was vicious as hell. But all its viciousness did was get me to want to beat the **** out of it.

Like, I'd walk into the goose pen, and that goose would try to fight me. I didn't even do anything to it. It just wanted to fight me because I was THERE, and because I wasn't a goose. Racist-frickin intolerant goose, hating on me just because of who I am. I'm sorry I can't be a goose, but I tried to make peace with it. And that goose STILL tried to beat me up just because I wasn't a goose too.

So I had to kick its ass. Repeatedly. Because geese are apparently ****ing stupid. That goose would force me to kick its ass one day, then I'd go back there the very next day and it would try to fight me AGAIN. And I'd have to beat the **** out of it AGAIN.

You'd think that after a couple of days of me kicking its ass, the goose would learn that I win because I am bigger faster and stronger. But no, the goose STILL kept trying to fight me and I still kept beating the **** out of it. Which suited me fine because that goose was a bigot, and i ENJOY seeing bigots getting their asses kicked. Especially if it's me that is doing the ass-kicking.

So like, sometimes I'd just get bored so I'd walk out into the goose pen, simply because I knew that the goose would try to beat me up, and that that would give me a good reason to kick its ass.

But my point is, I don't care how vicious it is. I'm bigger, so I win. I don't take crap from tiny-ass birds. I'll beat the **** out of a bird before I let a bird beat me in a fight.


Anyway thats all. See you space cowboys.

A Clone!!! ZOMG!!!

Well I finally got my OzSpotter emblem. Funny story. They accidently gave it to a user called freak666. :o ZOMGWTFBBQ!!!!111oneoneuno. Anyway I finally got it and I have found my long lost good twin. I'm the evil one becuase my name is freek666. The E instead of A makes me such a rebel 8). Also I bought LoZ Four Swords Adventures off of a friend, so 1 down, 2 to go.

Anyway thats all. See you space clones.

Living on $22

Thats me at the moment. Sure I live with my parents (I'm 15 so thats not a shock) and they pay for a lot, but I'm down to $22 in my bank account. I will probably spend it on a CD, but do not fret, that number shall soon rise. I have finally gotten off my arse and put in some job applications at Priceline Pharmacy and Officeworks. I got a feeling that I will get a job at Officeworks since the woman I handed the resume to said that they were hiring and needed workers. Also today I bought this.
Metal: A Headbangers Journey

I have watched it and it was great. If I had it before hand it really would've helped me out more with my oral, but I still did great. And in regards to my bass video, it is not up yet since my effects pedal is out of batterys and I couldnt play the distortion solos. So they might be up another time.

Also I've decided to stop asking about my emblem. I will just contact Koz.

Anyway thats all. See you space headbangers.

What To Play.

Well I'm going to make another bass video to put up, but I can't decide, so I'm going to let you guys choose. The selections are:

Peace Sells by Megadeth


A Bass solo medley from the first three Metallica Instrumentals (Anesthesia, Ktulu and Orion)

So take a pick. I will shoot it today and upload it tomorrow.

And once again, where is my OzSpotter emblem? I might contact Koz on this one.

Anyway thats all. See you space cowboys.

Premier Night Cancelled?

I'm not sure if any of you remember, but I mentioned a while back that I was making a claymation remake of the classic scene from the Godfather where Jack Woltz, a head of studio, finds his horses head in his bed. Well I had finished it, finally. I extracted audio from the movie and added in some entrance and exit movie. It worked out great. Now only one problem. The file is too large to upload. around 214 MB and yet it goes for only 1:02. So I'm not sure what to do. I might cut it in half, but that would ruin it in my opinion, and with all the lag I get it might lag on here and wont work. So unfortuneatly it wont work. And for those of you who are somewhat curious, it had my real name in the credits, so unfortuneatly you miss out on that as well, but Im sure no one really cares about my name as much as watching my film. So sorry people, but the premier night for "An Offer He Couldn't Refuse" has been cancelled. I might upload some screenshots from it though, but not now.

Now onto other news, I've decided to postpone my Zelda Marathon. I havent been able to play with the amount of work I'm getting from school. I will resume playing on the next school holidays. Speaking of school, I got my results for various English work. I got a 5.5 (low C) for my song essay and how it relates to me, a 5.75 (high C) for my essay on Looking For Alibrandi, which is an Australian novel (and a film, but its terrible) for those not familiar with the title, and a 6.0 (B) for my oral presentation on the Misconceptions of Heavy Metal Music. As far as I could tell (by that I mean looking at the marks she gave other students) I got the highest in the class. So all is good.

One last thing. Where the hell is my OzSpotter Emblem?!

Anyway thats all. See you space stars.

1 Year Old.

My Gamespot birthday was yesterday, but I forgot, just like what has happened in real life. Yay I'm 1!! Heres some cake.

Also I just found out that I got the OzSpotter Emblem. Firstly I would like to thank my family, who helped through these times, and the academy for bestowing me with such a prestigious emblem. I would also like to thank *music starts and I walk off*

Anyway thats all. See you space partyers.

Going AWOL.

nWell I'm back from yet another suspension. So thats two now. Only for 1 day though. Just lurked forums, played guitar, what not. Had a chance to do homeowork but didnt. Oh well. Bought some new albums over the weekend. Cryptic Writings and Youthanasia by Megadeth. Not their best albums, but not bad to have it in my collection, which now totals to 39. Got two maths tests tomorrow so that will be fun :roll: Also I finally did my oral presentation. I'm guessing I did very well seeing as practically everyone in the class, including the teacher said what a good job I did. She said people should follow my example, so not bad. Just looked at the title and reminded me of a great uncle who went to WWII, went AWOL for 2 months, they got him, went AWOL again, came back with post traumatic stress. 'Tis a shame. Anyway, just thought I would say I'm back. Oh and in OoT I have finally made it into the next 7 years, and am about to enter the Forest Temple. I might extend the time to 6 weeks. We will see.

Anyway thats it. See you space cowboys.

New Blog Theme.

So I decided to change the theme again. I personally cannot see it, so I dunno if anyone else can. Usually it takes a while to get up for me to see, but oh well. It is going with the theme of the Iron Maiden song "Number of The Beast". That number is 666. My username has 666. I think you can see where I'm going with this. It was my original idea but I hadn't downloaded the Iron Maiden "Metal Lord" font, so I did that yesterday and made it today. So hopefully it will be up and it will look good. Can anyone actually see anything or is it still "Peace Sells"?

Zelda Marathon Update.
Ocarina of Time is taking longer than expected, and its not as fun as I remember. I think its because after playing every single Zelda game ever made (barring the CDI games and any other unofficial releases) you just know the formula off by heart and it is basically "oh look, a switch far away. Better hit it with an arrow. OMG the fire went out! Who'da thunk it folks?" or "When the bosses eye turns red I will hit it. Wow it died. Again, who'da thunk it?" So far I've beaten The Dodongo's Cavern and just entered Jabu Jabu's Belly. In The Oracle of Ages you have to keep going back and forward in time to collect info and items in order to get into Jabu Jabu's belly, and I must say it was harder than this. I will continue playing, but I'm starting to think that unless I put in some serious hours (10 or so) a day, I wont beat it by next Wednesday, especially with school. I will try though. Also I remembered that I hadn't beaten Phantom Hourglass, so after the first three are done I will complete this. Some progress screenshots will be up tomorrow hopefully.

Anyway thats all. See you space jabu's.