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Infernal Technology.

Late last week a new Westfield shopping centre opened near me, and its been going nuts over there. Yesterday I managed to coax my mum into going there since I was in need of a new iPod Nano. It was packed. After carrying 2 bags filled with clothes and other items, I finally got my new iPod. Which brings me to my blog title. I can put videos on it, but it wont allow me because its not the right audio format or something stupid like that. So I asked my brother and he told me I had to convert them or something. So I did it, and it worked. BUT! There was one hitch. Now theres no sound! So I got 4 Metallica videos, 3 of them are live performances and the other is a music video, going to waste. I am really annoyed right now. Oh well, at least I get volume out of both earphones now instead of just out of the right with really weak sound.

Anyway thats all, see you space cowboys.

Been MIA.

I've been MIA (missing in action) recently in the aspect of posting blogs and reading others. Sorry to anyone who has been upset at not seeing one of my witty, brilliant comments gracing their blog. I've been busy with school life and my social life (it exists :o). We had the day off on Monday, some Teachers Welfare day or some crap, so me and my friends Tyrone and Stefan (the same two I always go with but I figured I might as well give names, oh and for those who have ever wondered, mines Alex.) went into Melbourne City. After literally going around in circles for an hour after getting off a few stops earlier because Stefan wanted to visit a soccer store, we got to Crown. We got lunch and went to Village Cinemas to watch 21. It was a really good movie, but as always Stefan thought it was boring as hell and took it out on us. On his list of how to annoy us was to throw M'N'M's at us, half of which were in his mouth, and put his feet up on Tyrone and kick him repeatedly.

Now Tyrone looks like a placid fellow, but he is not really one to piss off. Last time we went to the cinemas to watch Superhero Movei (terrible by the way) some kids were throwing stuff at him, so he picked up a bottle and threw it, and hit the wrong guy. This time, he kicked Stefan in the nuts. When we got out, I punched Stefan in the arm and his arm was limp for a while. It was a good day especially at the end because I prank called Tyrones on again, off again, girlfriend. She is a huge *****, so I called her and told her she didnt get a job at Best and Less, but she just hung up, and later said some things about me. I had a massive arsenal to take her down with, but Tyrone told me not too since it has to do with him. (They have gone out 3 times over the past year). All in all a good day tainted by Stefan basically, but his comedic nature is worth having him around for.

Onto other movie news, I bought Fight Club the other day and it was amazing. I recommend it for anyone who likes a good twist and psychological ideas. Soon I will be buying off another friend one of my favourite movies of all time, A Clockwork Orange.

I got exams in two weeks for Philosophy, Literature, English and Maths B, and I should pass them all with ease. Maths has been sub par recently so I got to work on it. I will be making a video blog sometime soon and I mean it this time. Last time I did make one but it was gonna be late so I deleted it.

Keeping on school news I have to pick my subjects for next year. So far I have decided with English (of course), Ethics Unit 2, Maths Methods, Philosophy, Psychology Units 1 and 2, Media and maybe something to do with music.

On the topic of music I have been getting into some new bands recently and my bass education is coming along excellently. I am starting to do a lot more theory and learning my fret board, which I really enjoy. Expect a video of me playing "Peace Sells" By Megadeth to be up soon. For any Tech Death Metal fans out there, check out Psycroptic, a Tasmanian band. Pretty good stuff I reckon.

Anyway thats all. See you space cowboys.

As Pwning As They Come.

Heres a screenshot I took earlier from a game of CounterStrike: Source I was in. In CS:S I go under the name of Wolfen. Look at the top of the Terrorist (red) ladder.
My Best CS:S Score (Wolfen)

Theres me. Possibly my best score ever. Hope this gives people an idea of what I was on about in my last blog.

Anyway thats all. See you space strikers.

Update on Life as I know it.

Well I havent made a blog for a while. Not much to talk about really, so I thought I will just give some updates on my life. I have recently gotten re-addicted to Counter Strike: Source, and I have spent a lot of time playing it. Last Thursday I didn't even go to school because I slept in until 10 AM after playing CS:S till 2 AM. It was a dud day anyway. I'm getting much better at CS:S, averaging a kill/death ratio of 1.5:1 or so. Not bad. To give those people who dont like maths a better idea, I average about 20 kills and 12 deaths. Not bad. Much better than the days when I constantly got 4 kills and 17 deaths, but I still have those on occasion.

I haven't been up to much else apart from playing Counter Strike though. Haven't played Mario Kart in 2 weeks now. I should probably finish Half Life. I should probably do math homework. And a Philosophy assignment. I have to talk about Rene Descartes, and I know a fair bit about him so I should be fine.

Mother's Day is tomorrow and I still haven't gotten my mum the bottle of perfume she wanted. She wants the big one, so I gotta go and mooch off my dad or brother. Were going out for dinner tonight with my Nana so it should be ok.

I really dont have much more to talk about, just general stuff. Hopefully some stuff happens soon and this blog will be more interesting and livelier.

Anyway thats all. See you space cowboys.

It Has Come!

[spoiler] I have finally made it out of level 20. After a suspension, a modding and various setbacks. Bout time. [/spoiler]

Grr! No Fair!

That is one of the many messages you can send during mario kart. And I sent it. The night was a disaster for me. First I waited around for 40 minutes waiting for it to start. Finally I go on here to find out whats happening, and I find a message from our very own mjcowley. He told me about a glitch and I had to get out of WiFi and go back to find the room. So I did. And it was there. I tried to join, but it wouldn't let me! I waited about 15 minutes for a new round to start. I got in. I was doing ok. Not my best but decent enough. Then, on the last lap of the last course, I get disconnected! I go back and wait AGAIN! I get in. We have a new round. And I came 5th out of seven people. Terrible. It was not a great night. I did get some Maccas though (2 double quarter pounders and ten nuggets for those curious) and that was nice. I'm going to drown my sorrow in some Strung Out (great punk band) and sparkling mineral water. Hmm, I should probably get of my school uniform/

Anyway thats all. See you space karters.


ARGH! Gamespot Au is holding a community games night with Mario Kart Wii and becuase of a certain glitch, I couldnt get in. I only found out when mjcowley sent me a message on here, which was about 40 minutes ago, telling me about the glitch. I just got it now. Now I will have to wait to get in. Not cool. Hopefully I will get in eventually.

Anyway thats all. See you space cowboys.

Time Travel.

Heres my theory on time travel that I posted in a thread concerning it.

"Time is an ever going flow. Yesterday didnt end, and tomorrow has already started. Its just that our future and past selves are still experiencing it. It sort of ties in with the grandfather paradox in a way. What I have always said is that if your grandfather was killed (he already had your mother/father) and you go back in time to stop it, you just might end up being the one to kill him. Your speeding to his rescue because you know where it happened. BAM! You just ran him over. You flee the scene and the case is never solved. The future remains the same. You go back, hate what you had done and kill yourself. Then your past self grows up hating the guy who ran him over, grows up studying time travel, develops a time machine, goes back in time to stop it from happening, and it starts all over again. Its a never ending loop."

Hope you find it somewhat insightful. All disagreements are welcome because the greatest philosophers are those who disagree with the status quo and I love a good debate.

Oh and by the way, Mario Kart Wii is awesome, in case I havent told you already. :P

Anyway thats all. See you space time travelers

PS. That last part doesnt make sense >_>