Been a while since I last did a review, so I thought I would do one on the dissapoinment that is the Australian version of Medal of Honor Heroes 2.
Anyway thats all. Move out space cowboys.
Been a while since I last did a review, so I thought I would do one on the dissapoinment that is the Australian version of Medal of Honor Heroes 2.
Anyway thats all. Move out space cowboys.
Today I got the call from EBGames to come and pick up my preordered copy of Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 for the Wii. So I went pass, payed the extra $50 and left with 1 more game. I'm yet to play it but I will be once I get the online figured out since it works for my DS but not my Wii, so I might have to mess around with it. For those of you who have it aswell my name will be freek666 as it is on GameSpot and on pretty much every other online game I play (CounterStrike Source mainly). Hope to see you on there.
Well I've been gunning for a new PC/laptop for a while now since the laptop I'm using at this moment is good but doesn't meet the requirements for games lik Call of Duty 4 and FEAR (which I've had for nearly a year now and I've never played it). Well while I was out buying MOH:H2 I decided to check past the computer store near it to see what they got. So this will now be my new PC.
Intel Quad Core Processer Q6600
GA-P35 Mother Board
250 HDD
512 MB 8800 GTS Graphics Card
18x DVD Write + Dual Layer
Multimedia Keyboard and Optical Mouse
Windows XP Home
Price: $1920
I'm not really a PC know it all, but I do know that is some pretty serious hardware there.
My mum has been reluctant to get me a new PC or laptop. She asked why I couldn't just upgrade my laptop. Well as most PC buffs (not me really) would know, you cannot upgrade a laptop, EG putting a better graphics card. Well I knew I could get more RAM and HDD installed, but not graphics and sound cards. My mum didn't believe me. I had asked many people who knew more about the subject than I, and they all said that it cannot be done because a laptop is set together so that it cannot be taken apart. Well after a few weeks of arguments we decided to ask. And I was right. Sweet, juicy justice had been served warm and I had prevailed.
Me: 1
Mom: about a million.
Also she doesn't want me to get it straight away. She wants to see if my school marks are above average, which they usually are. So I might be getting it at the end of the year, but I might get lucky and I will get it by June or so.
Also, where the hell is the "Old School" Emblem? I've noticed that its missing from everyones profiles. Damn GlitchSpot.
Anyway thats all. See you space cowboy.
Well I had my first bass lesson of 2008 yesterday. My instructor TJ (yes that is his real name) ran over his previous lesson by 10 minutes so we had to run over mine and I was worried he would be late because he has before, but it turns out that there is now a student before me. Anyway, I went in, we talked about our holidays for a bit and got right down to business. For 1.5 months of the 2 months of holidays I had I didn't really learn anything new. I might learn the intro to a song or two and thats it. It wasn't until 2 weeks before I went back that I decided to actually get somewhere. So I decided on one of my favourite songs of all time and a Metallica classic, Seek and Destroy. So for the past 2 weeks I've spent hours learning as much as I could. So yesterday I told him about what I've been doing and he asked me to show me what I've taught myself.
So I played as much as I could, which is the intro, the verses, the pre chorus, the chorus and some of the music before the solo. He was very impressed. He told me my technique was perfect and that I've improved a lot. He said that my hands are working perfectly in sync with each other, but he wants me to start using my left pinky. I've got the 'triple attack' happening and I'm excellent using just my three fingers, but it helps if I use four. So now I'm learning to use my pinky a lot more for complicated parts instead of stretching a lot. Apart from that he was overall very impressed with what I had taught myself.
Now onto some other business. I have nearly reached 1000 posts since joining GameSpot in mid-2007. So now I will reach the milestone tonight, and I will give a live update about every post. So here we go:
995 posts!
996 Posts!!
997 POsts!!!
998 POSts!!!!
999 POSTs!!!!!
1000 POSTS!!!!!!
Anyway thats all. See you space cowboy.
Well, today was the beginning of the end... of my holidays that is. I started school, year 10 to be precise. Unfortuneatly I dont have any of my friends in my homeroom, but that doesnt really matter since the only classes I have with them is Religious Education and Pastoral. Every other class I have with people from other classes. So I have my classes with quite a few my friends, which is good. My subjects for this semester are:
Maths B (just below accelerated maths, which i could've done but chose not to)
PE Fitness (which isn't sport, more personal training, eg. weights)
Next semester would be similar but the last four will be replaced with
IT Hardware
Science Life
Well the school has gotten off to a fairly decent start. And for the biggest news of all... [spoiler] The school didnt tell me that I need a haircut, and there are plenty of guys with hair longer than mine :o [/spoiler] So a good year indeed.
Anyway thats all. Back to school space cowboys.
Today i was faced with a very difficult decision. I was at Northland (for those of you not familiar with it, its a large shopping complex in Melbourne) with my mum. It was my last day of my 2 months of holidays and I was planning on spending the day watching my Cowboy Bebop DVD's, but it was not to be. Anyway my mum was in a happy and spending mood today, having buying herself a bag, shoes and clothes. Im nearly broke from my game and cd spending so i got nothing, so i decided to see if I could persuade her to buy me Super Mario Galaxy. Some people know that I wasn't really keen on Gamespot's 2007 GOTY, but I just couldn't fight it anymore, but as mentioned before, I'm broke. So anyway I asked if she would be kind enough to buy me it (she was happy I didn't want ANOTHER FPS). She said she might, which usually means no, but I didnt expect anything else since it was merely a joke.
Now I go to a Catholic school, which is strange since I dont believe in anything, not even science, which sounds strange but I choose to believe in whatever I want, EG if I want I can believe in the Great Golden Penguin. And as with most Catholic schools, it has rules about how we must present ourselves, in my case, the problem is my hair. According to the rules, my hair is too long since its past my shirt collar. My mum has been trying to get me to get a haircut so I dont get in trouble for the past week or so, but I've said no all times. So as we were headed to EB, there was a hairdressers near by that my mum saw. And here's the ultimatum to end all ultimatums. She will buy me SMG if I get a haircut. What do I do? Do I give into getting a haircut so that I may own a game as great as SMG? Well, this story will have to be continued...
Right now. I said no. Yes, ZOMG I said no to SMG so that I may keep my hair. Do I feel stupid. A little. She even said she would buy me my new computer today if I got the haircut, but I didn't believe that. So thats my day of events. On the plus side I got some KFC and they FINALLY remembered my order correctly. Oh well, I get MOH:H2 next Thursday which I have been waiting for a long time (not as long as FE:RD which is still yet to be released here in Australia) and 3 weeks after I get that I'm getting No More Heroes. Also I still haven't beaten MP3 so I should get started on that since I've only completed about 35% of it. So it's really no big loss because I got plenty of games to keep me preoccupied (like an 8 hour skirmish match in Dawn of War Dark Crusade that is still going and doesn't look it will end any time soon) so I dont mind, but I will get it eventually.
Anyway thats all. See you space cowboy.
This is the single most funniest thing i have ever heard. Think you thought "Kids on XBL" were funny, then prepare yourself for this. It is titled "black kid on cs going crazy" and it involves him asking about his 'bazooka' and people messing with him and a guy asking if he was insulting his little brother. I have never laughed so hard in my life. There were tears from listening to this. So be prepared to laugh till you cannot breath.
Anyway thats all. See you space cowboy.
Well i posted a video of me playing bass guitar. I will be posting another on soon. Heres some background information on what the vids are about.
Jordan by Buckethead:
I play the bass riff from the original version of the song made popular in Guitar Hero 2. The original goes for about 5 minutes and the bass riff starts at the part where in GH version it starts to go all crazy. Its a cool little jazzy/bluesy riff and i learnt alot about that style of music learning to play it properly. The description says it all so please watch.
For Whom The Bell Tolls by Metallica:
For Whom The Bell Tolls, or FWTBT, was the first song I learnt to play completely on bass. It has an awesome intro to it and its a fun little song to play. Its shorter than the actual song becuase the start has some gongs playing and the ending is the same thing over and over, so i thought i would cut it off there so it wont bore whoever watches it. Heres a video of a live version of Metallica playing the actual song. For those of you not familiar with earlyMetallica thebassist was Cliff Burton (RIP) andthis video shows some of his excellenttalent (hes also my avatar).
**EDIT** Sorry about the FWTBT video and its terrible lag. Something must've happened during the upload to screw with it, but really you just need to listen to it. Sorry about this yet again.
My Gear:
ESP LTD B-10 Bass
ZOOM B1X Bass Effects Pedal
ESP 15 watt Amplifier
Please watch them, comment them and tell me how i could improve, or give me a song to play next since im at a lost of what to learn next.
Anyway thats all. Keep rocking space cowboy.
Today i went to my local EB to get my first game (turned out to be games) of 2008.
Thats right folks, freek666 is now the proud owner of StarCraft and StarCraft Brood War Expansion Pack. I originally went there to get StarCraft, but they only had Brood War, and thenI saw the battle chest pack that also came with a 14 dayfree trial of WoW (which i wont end up using most likely) and 2 sets of strategy booklets.Ive only play StarCraft and its adamn good game, buti was dissapointed by the lack of a skirmish mode like with Dawn of War andRed Alert. Still it wasreleased 10 years ago so people were probably blown away by it when it first came out. Still it is a good gameand i gave it a rating of 9.5, however i dont think it will take Dark Crusades place as my favourite RTS game.Also while i was there i also bought the WiFi USB Connector for playing Wii games online. I will also be getting broadband within the next 2 weeks (turned out Telstra didnt even put in our order the pr**ks so we cancelled it) and also when Feb 7 rolls around i will be buying Medal of Honor Heroes 2. Im just hoping that there will be people playing it and not everyone else will be playing SSBB. So far my 2008 has gotten off to a good start, and im just hoping it will be better when i get a job because im down to $350.
Anyway thats all. See you space cowboy.
For those of you wondering why i wasnt gracing the forums last night with my posts of wisdom (lol) i was out on a night fishing trip with my Dad and Uncle Joe up in Geelong. Two days ago me and my Dad went to the same spot and caught around 20 whiting, but we only kept 8. The smallest we caught was about 15 cm, 12 cm under the legal limit, and the largest (which Dad caught) was 36 cm. My largest was about 34 cm and the rest averaged to around 32 cm. It was a good trip, mainly becuase we actually caught something!
Anyway last night we thought we will try the place at night, and we decided to take my Uncle Joe along. We tried a couple of spots but only one seemed fruitful (even if the only thing caught was a 7 cm snapper, or pinky as they are known) until we found a spot on top of a school of whiting. They weren't as large as the mornings trip, the largest making it to 32 cm, and we didnt catch many but we were happy. However once my uncle (finally) got a fish is, it turned out to be a babygernit (im not sure how to spell it and i cant find it on the net for some reason :(). For those of you not familiar with fish, Gernits are a fish with a poisonous barb that has no anti-venom, its not harmful and you wont lose a limb over it,but you just gotta put up with the pain for up to 24 hours. Apart from that it was a good trip. The all up tally was:
Dad: 3 whiting, 2 pinkies.
Me:3 whiting, 1 pinky.
Uncle Joe: 1 gernit.
Well that was all. See you space cowboy.
It seemed not too long ago that i said to a friend "Dude I havent gotten many games this year" before i bothered to actually count them. Im still dumbfounded at how i afforded the 19 gamesi got this year. Technically i only bought 13 of them with my own money. Parents bought me 3 (RE4, RE: UC and Dawn of War: Dark Crusade)and my brother got3 as well. (Super Princess Peach, Elite Beat Agents and Pokemon Pearl are his, but i bought him EBA and ive played them more than he does, so they are virtually mine) Anyway here they are.
Well, theres my 2007 collection. 2008's im hoping will be bigger.
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