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IGN Review Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

I'm sure it was not just the Nintendo fanboys who were anticipating this review, but everyone to see if the game could truely live up to the hype. Well it has. IGN gave it a 9.5! OH MAH LAWD! Although everyone saw a high score coming (I said 9.4 so pretty close) its still good to see that it is everything we had hoped for. I had planned to stay up and just keep pressing F5 but I got bored and decided to go to sleep, but since I finished school nearly 2 hours ago it doesn't matter. I cannot wait for this game to hit Australia... in late June... :cry: I could always import it and some other bits and pieces so I can play it but

1. Im broke
2. Im lazy

So there are some major factors stopping me. It currently has a Gameranking score of 97%, so heres hoping that it wont drop below 95%. Now, time for some even better news. I get my copy of No More Heroes next Thursday, which I am very happy about since I was meant to get it a week ago but it was pushed back.

Also I wont be on from Friday to Monday becuase I'm going on another fishing trip up to Lake Dartmouth. Last time we (my dad and I) stayed in this tiny cabin, which is smaller than my room, and my room is tiny. So now we're are staying in the Motel near by, which looks infinitely better. So if I catch any fish I will be sure to take photo's so that I dont have to say "I caught one THIIIIIIIIS big *stretches out arms*". So I will be catching (pun not intended) you guys on Monday or Tuesday.

Anyway thats all. See you space brawlers.

If God Was A Person...

I have a friend who asks me riddles and a few minutes ago I had this MSN conversation with him:

Him: if god was a person would he wear nike or adidas?

Me: neither, he would condemned all styles of clothing nad wear nothing, and others with follow his example. then once everyone is naked, he will quickly get dressed and point and laugh at them all, calling them noobsthen he will return to heaven where he will write in his journal about the adventure he had and how he tricked everyone.

Him: would god play warcraft or runescape?

Me: oooo. tough one. he would play warcraft

Him: so your saying his asian?

Me: no. if he was asian he would be playing starcraft

Him: so your saying his a noob white person?

Me: nope. hes a pasty skinned wow kid with a level 70 wizard or somehting. the kind that play for 30 hours non stopped living on a diet of doritos, cheetos and mountain dew.

The conversation went on like this for a few more minutes with the final question being would he eat sushi or curry. He's asked me stuff like this before, such as "could God create a rock so heavy that he himself could not lift it?" My answer was "well then God needs to level up." Interesting how I can relate games to nearly every factor of life.

Anyway thats all. See you space cowboys.

About Got Dang Time!

All day I had been trying to change my profile banner, but it always stayed the same and it was really pissing me off. But I just checked now and it was my new one. Not much of an improvement, I just changed the number font and added my favourite bands and my favourite game of all time. It's not exactly mind blowing since I dont have photoshop and I used paint, but I like it all the same. If anyone wants to be kind enough, they can make me a new banner in photoshop with a similar design, but it like... looks good. lol. You dont have to bother, but it would be nice. :)

Edit: Well I took the advice of Foolz3h and Twisted14 and I moved the bands on the left higher, my name higher and I decided to move Zelda across. Look better?

Anyway thats all. See you space cowboys.

Lights, Camera... Umm... Make Him Move!

Well I have finished making the props for my claymation remake of the scene from The Godfather (see I'll Make Him An Offer He Cant Refuse blog for details) and I begin editing on Wednesday. I had some practice using the video camera to take the shots since we could not get a digital camera on Wednesday, and even that demo turned out pretty good, athough you could see my hand a few times. On Thursday I got a digital camera, but a few problems occured. The first was that I wasn't taking photo's because I didnt hold the button down. After not taking shots for 10 minutes, then uploading nothing onto the computer, I had to do it again. Two shots later, the memory card is full and the battery dies. :evil:

So I used the video camera again. I managed to get it all done before we watched another episode of Veronica Mars, which is our television show study for the semester. I uploaded it and watched it, and I can say that I'm extremely happy on how it worked out. It's not exactly Harvie Krumpet,

but it works all the same, and the last second or two are priceless. I am going to see if I can add sound to it to make it more suspenseful. I should finish editing by next Thursday, and I will bring it home and upload it onto here so that you may enjoy my creation. :twisted:

Anyway thats all. See you space cowboys.

Space Invaders Have Invaded My SNES!

I was browsing through GameSpot when my dad came in asking for my sandals. An ad for a computer caught his eye as it had Space Invaders playing on it. He asked if I had that game. I did, but on the GameBoy.
Space Invaders for GB - Space Invaders Game Boy - Space Invaders GB Game

He sounded disappointed but I had a brain wave. We had some kind of adaptor thing that you put into the SNES like a regular SNES cartridge, then you insert the GameBoy game, and you can play it on TV.

So after I rummaged through some drawers I found the bag where I keep all my old GameBoy games. Once I found it, I had to get my SNES into the loungeroom, set it up and my dad was off shooting space invaders. I must admit that I'm tempted to give it a go myself since it has been almost 4 years since I last played my SNES, let alone 10 years since I played Space Invaders. Maybe when I get home tomorrow from school I will give it a shot and try to get the highscore.

Anyway thats all. See you space invaders.

I'll Make Him an Offer He Can't Refuse.

The words spoken by Don Corleone before Head of Studio Jack Woltz is paid a visit and his prize stud's (as in horse) severed head is found in his bed. A classic moment in film history. And now it shall be re-made by me, in claymation. This is my Media project that I have chosen to do. I had just finished making the characters and the set, and filming starts on Wednesday. Once I have edited it all, added sound and it is done and I had submitted it, I shall upload it on here so that I may recieve feedback on it. Expect it to be up in about 2 - 3 weeks. Also on the topic of uploading videos, I will soon be uploading a new bass video of me playing Seek and Destroy by Metallica.

Anyway thats all. See you space gangsters.

I'm Feeling Slimy!

Thats right, I have finally made it to Level 20, Metal Slime. It is known for being particularly hard to level up, with only gaining a maximum of about 2% or something. I should be level 21 by June, if not less.

Anyway thats all. See you space slime.

LoZ and SMB Themes on 11 String Bass :o

Super Mario Brothers:

Legend of Zelda:

My bass teacher told me about these today when I walked into my lesson wearing my Twilight Princess T-Shirt. These have blown me away, mostly because of the size of the bass. I can play a simplified version of the LoZ theme and my teacher can play the SMB theme and the dungeon song on a 6 string bass.

Anyway thats all. See you space cowboy.

Birthdays and Virus'.

Well some of you (I hope) might have noticed that I haven't been around much. Well my laptop got a virus and it extremely down. So I was computer-less for 3 or so days. If that wasn't annoying enough, I had just finished my literature assignment, which was due the next day, just as I got the virus. So I told my teacher what happened and she said to have it in on Monday. So what did I do to pass the time? Well I played more Super Mario Galaxy (41 stars now) and watched my wrestling dvd's and Dances With Wolves. It was a pretty good film, and it had some humurous parts to it. Anyway, I got it fixed today and I picked it up under an hour ago. A nice old man fixed it for me and he also builds computers, so I've decided to get him to build my new computer, which I will be able to get once my parents get some more cash (see previous blogs for the hardware).

Onto some other business. Friday was my friends birthday. As usual we punched him 16 times, each. He took happily until one of our friends hit him really hard so he kicked him. So we decided to go to the city today. I met two of them, the birthday boy and the one who hit him hard, at the train station. We hung around until our train came, and off we went. Along the way we picked up another friend at the next couple stations. I expected there to be more people, but it was ok, there are always usually about 3 or 5 of us, so 4 was good. We stopped at Flinders Street Station and walked to Crown Casino in order to get to our main destination, Galactic Circus.

After about 20 minutes of walking we made it. We went upstairs to play laser skirmish. We payed $20 for 3 rounds and after waiting 10 minutes, we were off. We had to watch an instructional video, which was boring, but one of my friends was making funny remarks about it, and then he got his finger jammed in the locker he was sitting on. Finally we got into the room. I had played laser skirmish before at a different place, and it was much bigger, but this was good enough. We played a team match against 4 other people. We ultimately lost, and I ranked 4th, with one of my friends ranking 2nd. Next we had a solo round where it was every man for himself. I won the round by about 1000 points. We then went off for lunch at the food court, then came back for one final round. This was a big one with about 16 people playing. In the end our team lost. So then we went to Galactic Circus to play games.

We mainly played shooting and racing games, but a few where you can win tickets. We had gathered up about 200 tickets, and bought 200 tickets worth of those sticky hands you fling at things to make it stick, which were 5 tickets each. After that we decided to leave. As we were leaving we found a parachute man toy, so we took it to throw off a bridge into the Yarra River. Shame that it just plummeted straight down. We got back on the train and headed back home. All in all it was an enjoyable day.

Anyway thats all. See you space cowboys.

Space Travel, Nintendo Style.

Well soon I will be off to EB Games to return my copy of Medal of Honor Heroes 2, get my $100 back and buy Super Mario Galaxy. I shall keep this updated, but I might not get too much of a chance to play it since I have a lot of homework (english, maths, literature, philosophy) that needs to be done.

I bought it using a gift voucher (I also bought an album, Twisted By Design by Strung Out). So far I've got 4 stars and I have to say it is the trippiest game I have ever played. Im looking forward to playing a lot more.

Anyway that is all. See you space plumbers.