fs_metal Blog
From Pong to Eternity E3 week day 2
by fs_metal on Comments
If you are keeping up with E3, you probably watched Sony's press conference yesterday. If you didn't do yourself a favor and do so. It was impressive as hell. At this, they showed an absolutely mind blowing Killzone trailer. Today's comic deals with the characters reaction to it., Join the forum. Let us know what you think. 2 more days ladies and gentlemen.
Oh. Guitarking's first review is up./ IT is on Gears of War. Be sure to check it out
from pong to eternity E3 week day 1
by fs_metal on Comments
http://fpte.50megs.com/frames.htm It related to the amazing Assassins Creed demo that was shown at the Microsoft press conference. Check it out. Hope you like it,. Join the forum and let us know what you think
From Pong to Eternity 4th of July spectacular!
by fs_metal on Comments
Happy 4th everyone. This weeks comic is titled "Dreaming of the Lions Den." It is a whopping 9 panels in length, and an unbelievable amount ogf work went into it's development. I certainly hope you enjoy this weeks quite a bit, because alot of work went into it. Be sure to read this weeks news post for a special announcement reguarding the comic in this coming week. I told ya we had something awesome planned for you all. Join the forum and tell us about the strip for this week in it's weekly thread! Enjoy!!
Good news everyone
by fs_metal on Comments
Anyway, on Wednesday, I decided to go to the mall for the soul purpose of getting out of the house. I went into Gamestop and talked to the guys in there for a while. After that, I walked around in the foot court for a while. I noticed that a place called Pretzel Mania had a 'Now Hiring' sign out. Despite my being dressed casual (I was wearing a King Diamond t-shirt and a pair of blue jean shorts), I decided to apply (As a general rule, I dress nice when looking for a job. It makes you more presentable.) I got an app and filled it out. The person in charge at that time set up an interview for Thursday at 2. (I dressed up in my nicest close and went back for the interview. Despite some difficulties, I did wind up doing the interview. I was told that it was an excellent interview and that I should expect a call. No time frame was given, though. I will get the number and call some time next week. Anyway yeah. It sounds very promising. I hope I get this job. I depserately need money so that I can move up to Ohio with my good friend and partner in the web comic, GuitarKing411.
In other news, I finished Shadow of the Colossus. It was my second time through. That game is so amazing. A fantastic soundtrack. A large and beautiful world to explore. A wonderful art **** A 20 minute ending sequence that is more than satisfying and, of course, 16 of the best boss fights in any game ever created. I decided that I would start Megaman Legends 2 afterwards. I have beaten the first game. Despite some flaws, the game was alot of fun and, contrary to what is traditional with Megaman games. it had a good story and good characters. It has alot more depth than any previous MM game. The camera is annoying and hard to work with, but the game is fun. Good dungeon crawling. Somewhat Zelda like. This far, the second one is proving to be even better. The camera is alot easier to work with because I can actually use the thumb stick to control it. The other one, of course, controls Megaman. Thank God. I much prefer using that to using a D-Pad.
FEAR goes well. I am getting very near the end of it. I have reached Interval 8. I won't spoil what happens for you, but I will say that this game, despite having repetitive enviroments, continues to be alot of fun, which is hard to do, to say the least. Why, you may be asking yourself? Why is it fun when the game's world is repetitive, as are the soldiers? I will tell you why. It is the enemy AI. No 2 firefights are the same. Each one is very different from teh previous one because of the enemy AI. It is far and away the best I have ever fought. They work as a unit. They try to flush you out. They flank. They do everything, and you will die. No matter how good you are, you will die. They vastly outnumber you and can be a real challenge to outsmart, but that's what keeps it interesting. Trying to find a way to survive it all and keep moving forward. Story wise. I wish it was presented better than 'listening to phone messages' and 'downloading files from Armachan computers.' Even then it is still atleast somewhat interesting. I heard it has a wild ending to it. I am looking forward to seeing it
I went to a Frisco Roughriders baseball game on Friday with my parents, my brother, my friend John, my cousin and friends of the family. They got a relatively small crowd, so me, John, my brother and my cousin all sat in the front row. We had alot of fun. We joked around all game long and chatted. Actually, it was a double header. My brother, John and my dad left after the first game. Good thing too, because the Riders got their butts kicked in the second game (won the first one). For the rest of the game, it was just me and my cousin sitting down in the front row. We chatted all game long. On the ride home she said to my mom "I realized today that I have alot in common with Josh) (me). She had me borrow the American Pie flicks because, despite how much I love movies, I had never seen them. Anyway, the game was fun, despite only having one 1 of the 2 games. I do love baseball. It has been my favorite sport since I was a kid. My favorite teams are the Atlanta Braves and the Texas Rangers. I also like the Red Sox, the Astros and the Indians (The Indians are GK's favorite team). I hate the Yankees and the Mets.
See y'all later.
From Pong to Eternity week 14 - Countdown to Delirium
by fs_metal on Comments
Life can blow off
by fs_metal on Comments
Seriously. IT is treating me like crap as of late. You know that job at Taco Cabana that I was harping about? Yeah. They jerked me around for a long time. I could never get into contact with a manager to find out when they wanted me to show upo. They scheduled me and never told me. Every attempt I made to find out WHEN ended in failure. It all resulted in them hiring someone else in my place. They essentially fired me before I even started. You have no idea how pissed off I was about that.
It gets better. I was informed that, in 3 months, I will not have a place to live. Isn't that wonderful? I am going to be kicked out on my ass basically because my parents no longer me to live at home anymore. WHAT KIND OF CRAP IS THAT?! This means I NEED A JOB AND I NEED IT FREAKING NOW!! Otherwise, I will be out of a home with no gas and no source of income. I don't know what I am going to do.
On a somewhat brighter note, I do have a few ideas. If I can get a job soon, I will start saving up as much money as I can get (except I will buy one game: STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl. I bought a damn video card just to play that game). I will save it up to move wherever it is that I decide to go. Right now, I am considering moving to Ohio. I don't want to leave Texas. It is my home, and it always will be. I love this state. Even so, a very good friend of mine lives up there (Guitarking who does From Pong to Eternity with me) and we have talked about being room mates. It would be cool and would be a fresh start for me. That is something that I really need. I have a few other options, but I am strongly considering this one.
I beat Indigo Prophecy. I considered doing a review of it, but I decided against it. To sum it all up, It think it is a great and unique gameplay experience. IT is very cenamatic in how it is handled, and the story is fantastic. The game has 3 endings and multiple conversation paths throughout that make it worth more than one playthrough. It also has a few decisions here and there that ultimately effect the story, as well as a few events toward the end that slightly effect the outcome. The characters are excellent, as well. I would recommend it to anyone that likes good stories and a unique gameplay experience. IT isn't perfect, though. At points, the sequence entering sections of the game seem to go on almost endlessly, and if you screw up, you have to do it all over again. It's not very practical and can be a great annoyance if you make it deep into them and finally screw up.
I got back to Shadow of the Colossus. I have beaten it once, and had played through 9 colossi on a second trip through. I, then, left it to sit for a while. I started playing it again, and I beat the 12th colossus last night. I hate the Fire Guardian. He was the only colossus that I did not feel sorry for when I killed it. He pissed me off with how he would smash into you, causing you to fall down and be slow to rise. Just when you got up, he would smash into you again. I did beat him easier this time than last time. I think my favorite colossus is the giant bird over the lake, where you have to hop onto it's wing, and you see the land below you racing by. That was extremely cool.
I am playing FEAR on my new PC. I do love this game, despite the fact that the enviroments being repetitive. Thye enemy AI always keeps it fresh and new. You never know what they are going to try because it is so good. They act as a real squad and try everything to either force you out of your hiding place or kill you where you stand. It makes them lots of fun to fight. I am deep into Armachan Headquarters. I just got past the level where Norman activates the security system in an attempt to gun you down. SCREW HIM! He can go to hell. Fat sack. I hate those turrets. They are so frustrating to try and kill. Anyway, if you played this on the PS3 and didn't like it, give it a try on a good PC or on the 360. It is supposed to be much better on those systems. It really is a very good game
I hate console fanboys. Seriously. Why do people insist that only one console ever gets good games? Especially when they won't even TRY games on other consoles? How do you know that system has no good games on it if you won't try them? Ctrl+Alt+Del said it best in a recent comic "And as the argument started among fanboys as to which console would be the greatest, and the prophet, knowing their thoughts, spoke, 'He who would recognize that gaming is glorious and not prejudiced based on platform is he who would know the love of the gods, the warmth of our heaven, arcadion." Amen! :P Seriously though. All consoles get good games. I wish people would stop fighting and recognize this fact
Anyway. Yeah. Life can blow off for treating me so crappy *flips life off*
From Pong to Etenrity week 13 - A Lesson in Violence
by fs_metal on Comments
This weeks comic continues on the current story arc. Check it out. Join the forums and let us know what you think. Remember to always be careful what you wish for. You just might get it!
To show the world that love is still alive
by fs_metal on Comments
you must be brave
Or you children of today are
Children of the Grave
I bought my dad a copy of Woodstock on DVD and watched part of it with him. Have you ever stopped to think about that? The concert was incredible in many ways. There were an estimated 1 million people in attendance (they quit counting after about 300000), and there wasn't any violence. There was no fighting. There was no vandalism. No one was tearing anything apart. None of that. That would never happen today. Now days, we can't have a 3 hour concert without people pushing, shoving, fighting, never listening to anyone, even if it is for their own safety, and being rude. They went 3 full days without any of that. 72 hours.
Watching this concert got me thinking. How does something like this happen? How do you get 1 million people gathered together without fighting? Now days, it is unfathomable, which is sad. Now days, you would be lucky to stuck 10 people in the same room for 3 days without one of them getting a bloody nose or something. I figured it out though. It was their mindset. It was a gathering of people that honestly believed that, by changing their mind, they could change the world. It was a noble goal, and that concert was the biggest statement that generation ever made. That being said, they went about it all the wrong way. All the drugs and sex and all that stuff? Yeah. That's not really going to achieve anything.
What should we, as a society do with this information? What should we learn from it? Well, I, for one, believe that we need to re-adapt that type of mindset. A more peaceful one. Yes I know there are some conflicts that cannot be solved except through kicking someones ass, but think about how much better it would be if people actually stopped for a second to give a rats ass about the people around them. Think about how much better it would all be if people stopped being rude to one another all the time. Maybe, if that happened, we could have another miracle like what happened at Woodstock. I urge you all to try to adapt that type of mindset because they were right. It is through our own actions that the world around us can be changed. Hell, If I could organize a protest concert centered around peace, love and harmony, I would.
Thank you for taking the time to read through all the deep thought that I did yesterday and today. I hope I was successful in getting my point across.
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