fs_metal Blog
From Pong to Eternity 24 Room Mate Interviews - Kratos
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From Pong to Eternity rises from the dead
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Check it out. The new comic is a room mate interview with HK-47. I really think we nailed his personality, and I think his fans, as well as KOTOR fans in general will love this one. Enjoy. Join the forum. Drop your thoughts in the weekly threa
That's the way of it isn't it
by fs_metal on Comments
My friend up in Ohio...the one that I was going to move up there and be the room mate of...my brother in another state. He was recently doing some repairs on his roof when it started to rain and storm. I do not know the whole story, but I imagine that he was trying to climb down off of the roof. He could have also been trying to finish quickly or something else. Reguardless, he was not doing something stupid. Either way, he fell off. I didn't find this out until after he got out of the hospital. He said something about crushing a disk in his back or something and some bruises and nerve damage. I don't know what all he did to himself. I haven't been able to talk to him much lately. All I know is that he is in a wheel chair and currently cannot walk.
There is, however, good news. He messaged me the other day while I was at work, after his doctors appointment. He said that his doctor said that he will be able to walk again, but he will need alot of therapy before that happens. Surgery is not a gaurantueed thing, though. He may not need it. The doctor gave him some pain pills, and he is trying to go about his everyday life. HE is in constant pain, though, I think. He takes pills to help him sleep at night, and he said the pain pills do not do much to help him much. Poor guy. He is a great guy and does not deserve this. It is hard to see something like that in a positive light, but I guess it could have been worse. I am short on time, so I will write more later
From Pong to Eternity strip 22 - Room Mate Interviews - Krystal
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I wanna see it painted, painted black
by fs_metal on Comments
I wanna see the sun blotted out from the sky
I wanna see it painted, painted, painted, painted black
Ok. I am not going to start off with the thought provoking and intellectual stuff that I tend to do. I will just say that I did have a particularly bad day a few days ago and I was pissed off, hence the lyrics. Incase you do not know, the lyrics are from a song called Paint It Black by the Rolling Stones. If you have not heard it, do yourself a favor and find a way to listen to it, and the bad that wrote it. It is a fantastic song from an excellent band. ROLLING STONES OWN THE BEETLES!!! Anyway, it has been a while since my last update, and there is alot to talk about, so lets get to it.
A week ago this past Thursday, I was doing some laundry before work when, seemingly out of the blue, my shoulder started hurting bad. It hurt to move it much at all. Getting dressed after my shower was a royal pain in the ass. I went to work and talked to my boss. He said I should take the day off. On my way back to my car, I called my mom and said I wanted to go to the doctor. I did not have his number, so she called him for me. I went home and went back to bed. After about an hour or two of rest, she woke me up and took me to the doctor. The doctor told me that he felt weakness in my shoulder. HE said the pain was more than likely caused by muscle spasms, and prescribed muscle relaxers for me. HE said that, if it was not better by the upcoming Monday, I should come back to him.
After that. I spent most of the day resting. on the internet and reading. I tell you what. Those muscle relaxers put me OUT. I can't take them before work, though, at the time, I would have liked to. I thought that, if it would ease the pain in my shoulder, I that would be nice during work, seeing as how you need both hands to make pizza (I work at Sbarros), but it is no go. I took them at night and went to sleep. They didn't seem to do me any good. I also tried some icy hot, as my doctor recommended to me. Well, it wasn't technically Icy Hot. It was some off brand thing. Neither it nor the medicine did any good. By Monday, my shoulder was not well. I was not able to go back to my doctor that day, however. I do not recall why. My short term memory is extremely faulty, If you know me well, I am sure you know this, and it has probably annoyed you on more than one occasion. For this, I apologize. I digress. I wasn't able to go there on Monday, which sucked because I worked several days in a row after that. All morning shifts, which means I worked for all the hours...or most of the hours that my doctor was open.
On that Monday, I went to the other mall to talk to one of the managers. I knew I was supposed to transfer from one mall to the other, but no one had told me ANYTHING beyond that. It was frustrating. No one told me when I was supposed to transfer or what hours I was supposed to work. Anyway, I went to that mall to talk to a manager. He was busy, so my mom and I sat down and waited (I had followed my mom to a motorcycle shop so she could get hers worked on. I went so she didn't have to stay and wait). When he got around to talking to is, it became very clear that he knew nothing of my moving over there. He seemed as surprised as I was. They didn't tell the managers ANYTHING. That has got to be frustrating. Out of the blue, you learn that you have new people. He told me to show up at 10 AM the next day.
Tuesday was my first official day at the other mall (Vista Ridge). It is the mall that I was hired to work at, but they wanted to train me in Grapevine Mills. Apperently the training is better there or something. The training, however, presents a problem. I missed two days at Grapevine Mills on account of my shoulder (It is the left shoulder for those curious), so I never completed my training. I know how to work the line and make pizzas, but nothing else. I do not know how to cook anything, make the dough or work the register, which is sad if you think about it. My official title at Sbarros is cashier. I have had some experience working a register at my previous job (I worked a concession stand for a minor league baseball team), but nothing beyond those couple of months (I did not work there very long because it was an hour and a half round trip). Vista Ridge is a lower volume mall. This meant that business would be slower at that mall than at Grapevine. I knew this. Even so, it was a drag just to get through that first day because it was so excessively slow. I thought that it would never come to an end. It did, of course. The entire day I had no idea what my hours were because I was told to show up at 10 AM but I was not told when to leave. They eventually told me that I was to stay till 5. I had something that I wanted to do that day (Don't worry. I will cover that as well), and it couldn't wait too long because I had to go to the bank. Banks close early for some infuriating reason. When I talked to them about this, they said I could leave at 4, but they let me go at 3:50. I was happy. 5 hours and 50 minutes on my first day at the other mall.
Anyway, during hte day, I had sent a text message to a friend of mine up where I am to move and asked him what banks were around there. I thought that it would be good to have a credit card for emergencies, and I wanted to get one before hand to build up a credit by buying small things such as gas. He sent me a small list. I looked them all up, but they were all local. He said there is a Chase Bank further away from his place. I decided to go with that. My brother has an account there, and they have this deal where, if you get someone else to sign up, they give both you and the other person 25 bucks. Sounds good to me. I would earn both him and me 25 bucks. After frantically trying to call my mom and her not answering her cell phone (which pissed me off), she came home and said that the bank was likely already closed. I decided to try anyway. She gave me my brothers account number, and I went up there to set up a checking account and to apply for a credit card. I did both, so I now have an account with no money in it. I still have not received word on whether or not I am approved and what my balance will be (There is no reason for them to not approve me. Everyone else on my house has great credit. I have little credit, but none of it is bad). I will call them again om Monday. Fingers crossed. I need this. I want the card ASAP so I can quit worrying about "Are they going to approve me?" It's almost maddening.
Thursday was the day from hell. Seriously,. It was the day before the release of the Simpsons movie. I woke up happy as hell and thinking that nothing could screw it up because I knew I would be seeing the movie the next day (The Simpsons is my all time favorite show. I love it more than just about everything else. It rules. I am a huge Simpsons fanboy). Boy was I wrong. That day sucked. It sucked hard. Alot of little things kept going wrong. We had a sudden rush of customers that didn't go away for several hours. During that time we burned about 3 pizzas. We also ran out of pizzas, so the customers were being **** Ontop of that, we had some customers that were just genuine **** When I am rushed,. I make mistakes. I dropped several pieces of pizza on the floor and got extremely frustrated with myself. I couldn't step away to calm down because there were always more customers. To cap it all off, I burned myself really bad on the side of my left hand just below the thumb. It hurt for the rest of the day. That sucked. By the end of the work day, I was so pissed off that I wanted to hurt someone.
Friday was better, if only because of the movie. I woke up happy as hell because of the Simpsons movie. I had gotten the day off work so that I could visit my doctor. After getting dressed and getting ready, I called my doctor. It was about 1:30 at that time. There was no answer. I got some recording saying that the office was closed. I thought that they may be out to lunch, so I called back every 15 minutes for the next 2+ hours. Every single time I got the same recording. The message says that the office closes at 4:30 on Friday, so the office shouldn't have been closed. I still have no idea why it was closed. Anyway, I asked my mom, and she suggest that I go to Prima Care, so we did. After about an hour wait, I was seen. This doctor said that it seemed like a strain of my rotator cuff. He gave me 2 pills to take and said to ice my shoulder 3 times a day for 20 minutes. He also said I should take 7 days off from work. I told him that I had just gotten the job two weeks earlier, and that I probably wouldn't have a job waiting for me after that week was up, so he suggested that I take three days off to rest my shoulder. After the visit, we went to the pharmicist to fill in the prescriptions and went to Wendies to get a burger, which I enjoyed. After getting home, I bought tickets for the 10:50 showing of the Simpsons movie. 4 in total. One for my, one for my brother and two for friends of mine. Later on that night., I went to a Mexican Restraunt called 7 Salsas. I really wasn't that hungry, so I just had a beer, a frozen margarita and some of what my parents had. It was good.
Now. The movie. I went to see it on opening day with a couple of friends and my brother. I went to the 10:50PM showing, as I mentioned earlier, and I loved every second of it. It was absolutely hilarius. I will not post spoilers for it, but I will say this: if you are a fan of the show or ever were, GO SEE THIS MOVIE! It is the funniest movie I have seen in a long, long time, if hot the funniest movie I have ever seen. It also has alot of heart that we have come to expect from a typical Simpsons episode. The plot is as ludacris as you imagine it can be, and it is filled with many great quotes, a hell fo alot of extremely funny one liners, as well as fantastic bits of spoofing and satire. This is an extremely well written movie and I highly recommend you go see it. I admit to being biased, because the show has been my favorite show for....oh I don't even know how long anymore. Honestly though, it is very good and you should go see it. For me, it replaced Pink Floyd's The Wall as my all time number one movie. I consider it to be essential watching. GO SEE THIS MOVIE! QUIT BEING SKEPTICAL IF YOU ARE AND GO SEE IT! YOU WILL LAUGH SO HARD IT WILL HURT!!!!
Today I work up and went into work. I figured I would talk to the manager about what the doctor had told me and go back home and go to sleep. No such luck. I went up to Sbarros and talked to the shift lead. He told me that one of the managers was now gone and that a guy from Grapevine was covering for him that morning, but I shouldn't talk to him about this because he didn't work that mall. He said that I should go back home and come back later when the manager was there. I went back home and went back to bed. When I woke up, it was some 4 hours later. About 2:30 to be precise. I got busy doing things and could not go to the mall. When I got around to it, I remembered that my boss wanted me to bring the list of my hours from Grapevine over to the mall I work at to ensure that I would get paid for those hours. I figured I would kill two birds with one stone. I went over to Grapevine, and they made a copy of my list of hours worked. I took it over to Vista Ridge and talked to the manager. She hinted that it might not be necessary for me to have done that, but that it would make doubly sure that I did get paif for those days, so no harm came of it. I talked to her about my shoulder and what the doctor said. I handed her the doctors note, and she said for me to return to work on Wednesday. There you have it. I have today, Monday and Tuesday off from work to rest my shoulder. Then I will return to work for one day and get Thursday off for Ozzfest. I feel like I am taking too many days off, but what am I to do? Doctors orders, you know. I want to get well, so I shall follow them to the letter.
I may be getting a PS3 very soon. I am extremely excited about this and very much looking forward to it, though I am not sure what game I will get with it. I am strongly considering two games: Resistance: Fall of Man and The Darkness. Resistance is better reviewed, but The Darkness is very much right up my alley. Extremely dark plot and setting. Demons. I mean come on. The main character has these weird black tentacle things attached to him, and he uses them for both attacking the enemy and eating hearts. HE EATS PEOPLES HEARTS! How awesome is that?! I love it. I want to play it so bad. IT looks cool as all hell. You can also shapeshift into this evil little snake thing that quickly crawls along the ground and jumps up and bites peoples necks. It's cool as hell. Despite how cool this is, I am leaning more towards Resistance since I have wanted it longer
I told ya I had alot to talk about. Anyway. Until next time!
From Pong to Eternity strip 21
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From Pong to Eternity week 17 - The Pixels Command You
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The answer my friend
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is blowing in the wind. I like this song. It really makes you think. How many times can a man turn his head and pretend he just doesn't see? The answer my friend is blowin in the wind. The answer is blowin in the wind. That's the question, isn't it? How many times can you turn the other cheek? How many times can we turn our backs and pretend things aren't going on or that things just plain refuse to go our way before we say enough is enough? Think about it. What is your limit? When will you do something about the bad things in your life or try to change?
I was thinking tonight about alot of things. Why do some people call me their friend when you take into consideration how they act arround me? Do they call me when they are heading out to have fun? No. Do they invite me when thye leave and htey know I am there? No. I generally have to invite myself. Then they pick on me in specific because I have a best friend that I talk to alot? What the hell is that all about?> Can't I just talk to a guy that I love like a brother without being called gay or whatever? It's stupid. Sometimes I wonder if they want me arround or if they just put up with me because I am there. On one hand, they call me a friend. On the other hand, they sometimes act as if they don't want me there. I don't **** get that
Anyway, a bit of an update on my life. I got a job working at Sbaros Pizza in the mall. My first day is tomarrow. I hafve to be at the mall at 9 o clock. I know I am just going to sit there at a computer and answer **** questions for 5 hours (and, knowing how slow of a reader I am despite the fact that I like to read, it will take me even longer than that), read a bunch of stuff and answer a bunch of questions as part of my training for the job, but I am looking forward to it anyway. I am finally going to be earning money again. It will be nice not to have to beg money off of people just so I can stay on my 2 feet, and it will be nice because people will stop calling me a **** bum because of my being inbetween jobs, which I think is BS. Anyway, I really need to start saving money. The Simpsons movie comes out on the 27th. If you kknow anything about me, you know that this is an absolute must for me. I also have a concert coming up on August 2nd.
You may or may not know that 7-11 turned 12 of their stores into Kwik-E-Marts to promote the Simpsons movie. One of the 12 stores happens to be close to me, in Dallas. I have visited it twice now, and I have 2 Squishee cups and 2 Buzz Cola cans to show for it. On Thursday, they should be getting Radioactive Man comics. I really want one of those. That would be so cool to have. They also have Krusty O's. I want that as well. Krusty is the coolest clown ever. "Don't blame me. IT was the percidan. If you ask me, that stuff rots your brain. Now a word from our new sponsor.....PERCIDAN?! uuuggghhh" ROFL. I love that show. Anyway, the Kwik E Mart was extremely cool. Loads of Simpsons characters all over the place andSimpsons products that you can buy.
I am going to be moving to Ohio in September or October. I am not sure which yet. I am really looking forward to it, because I need a fresh start. Eric lives up there, and him and I are going to be room mates and try to rent a house. It is exactly what I need in my life. A fresh start. Eric tells me that Akron U is a great school. I am sure to look into it once I get up there. Hopefully, they offer classes that will get me closer to being a game developer. As I have said in past posts, that is what I decided that I want to do with my life. I think it is a great market to be in, and I think it will be alot of fun to do. I hope to create truely unique and never done before games. Stuff that people have never thought of. Stuff that real gamers. Hardcore gamers will enjoy. I am looking foreward to this. I see it as my luck finally changing. This is the big thing I need to save money for. Moving up there will not be cheap.
How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
Yes, 'n' how many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they're forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
How many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, 'n' how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, 'n' how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
How many years can a mountain exist
Before it's washed to the sea?
Yes, 'n' how many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free?
Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head,
Pretending he just doesn't see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
From Pong to Eternity E3 week day 4
by fs_metal on Comments
hope you enjoy it
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