fact1 - PS3 have vastly superior game library when combing its masterpieces like MGS4, Demon Souls, Uncharted and Heavy Rain.
fact2 - with 60% failure rate rebuys and cheaper price obviously 360 sold slightly higher. Also, Quality > Quantity. Reason why Kia sells more than Porsche.
fact3 - PS3 strength is in its exclusives. I for one prefer multi plats on PS3, some games have more content, online is free and blue ray is more durable.
Fact 1 - You just cited 4 different games as a reason to own the PS3 when 360 has vastly more AA, AAA's. One of the games you listed, Demon Souls, already gas a superior iteration, Dark Souls, on the 360, another, Heavy Rain, is complete garbage.So that leaves you with MGS, and Uncharted, two interactive movies. I think I'll take 360's vastly superior overall lineup as rated by GS thanks ;)
Fact 2- RROD was addressed years ago and is irrelevant to this duscussion.
Fact 3 - Who cares what some biased fanboy says he prefers? Digital Foundry finds 89% of multiplats on 360 superior.
Fact - Gamespot rated MGS4 10, higher than any 360 exclusive and given MGS4 and Demon Souls GOTY!. Oh, I can give more , LBP (9.0), Resistance 2 (9.0.) Killzone 2 (9.0), Infamouse 9.0, God of War 3 9.0. PS3 kills 360 library.. Sony, thanks for giving us reliable console and awesome game library that makes these lemmings so jealous:)
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