If there's one thing which prevents me form buying a game, it has to be a broken or unforgiving save system. I can tolerate and even enjoy some strictly mediocre games, but I just can't stand the frustration of repeating long sections of the game just because the developers use this frustrating save system as an artificial and cheap way of upping the difficulty.
I had high hopes for this one, and I would have picked it up if the save system was properly implemented. I guess I'll pass this one on.
@BrunoBRS Are you daft? I never proved any point. For publishers and game companies, its all about profits. Why would they be willing to include female playable characters, when there are very few takers (read: female gamers) for it? Ok, assume I'm wrong. But game companies are not fools to invest in something, when they know that there probably won't be proper returns. Isn't that proof enough for you?
I'm not denying this 48% figure at all. I'm just saying that it is misleading. Gaming companies exclude women from the medium because the number of female gamers is very less, and usually male gamers would never opt to choose a female as heir in-game character. So its not really worth the efforts for game companies. Why should they include female characters, when there are very few takers for it? This voice actress who's complaining about this, do you suppose she would play the Assassin's Creed game if there were female playable characters in it? I don't think so. Its all about business and maximizing profits for the game companies. The fact that most game makers are hesitant to include female playable characters, is a clear indication that its not a profitable strategy. They would be fools to adopt something like "We will NOT include female characters just because we are sexist". That's not the case at all.
Thanks, you put my words in the proper perspective (which I was struggling to do, since English isn't my primary language). What you have mentioned, is EXACTLY what I wanted to convey.
How do I become part of the problem? Women can choose to play hardcore AAA games,or casual games, or not to play games at all. Its THEIR choice. But its obviously that the statistic of 48% is being blown out of proportion. Its realistically not possible in the current era, although it might happen at some point in the future. Like someone said, women totally dominate the casual gaming market. And that statistic does NOT say that it includes only those who play high budget AAA titles. I guess the person who had the final say in publishing those statistics was a woman, so she may just have cleverly hidden the fact that a significant part of that 48% only play casual games.
Well...that is understandable. Men who play games in general are ASSUMED to be introverts with no social life, who just play games all day in their momma's basement by women. In other words, men who play games aren't preferred as partners AT ALL by most women. So obviously, when these men come across a female gamer, they may just get a slight ray of hope because the ONLY women who feel that male gamers aren't mentally unsound, are those who are gamers themselves.
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