futs22's forum posts
lols :p i was already confused by seeing how big this wasteland is .. and now there is no hint :p lol
everytime i start the game see the wasteland and then wait for 10 mins where to go and then closed fallout 3 lol :p
I don't want to sound rude or harsh, but did you even pay attention to the dialogue while you were doing the mission to get out of Vault 101? Do you even know why your character left Vault 101? If you know the reason you'd know what to do once you got outside the vault instead of just standing outside the vault looking at the wasteland for ten minutes and then turning the game off. And then doing that again when you tried playing again.
Just in case you weren't paying attention to the dialogue let me spell it out for you --- Go look for your character's father!!! I'm pretty sure it's obvious that you have to explore the wasteland in order to find him right? Unless you were expecting a giant billboard out in the wasteland that says, "Your father is located here!" or "Go here to continue the game's storyline."
In retrospect, I am a victim of my own stupidity.
Well, this pretty much explains how you got into this mess in the first place.
You can still hope for the sequel despite CliffyB saying it won't happen. They did say GoW 1 wasn't coming to the PC and yet it did. In any case, I don't really care. There are other games to play besides Gears of War.
For me, it all boils down to one's particular preference. I for one found ME more enjoyable, but that is not to say I found Oblivion not enjoyable at all.
For me, ME had better dialogue and combat. On top of that it was more dramatic and was better at drawing me into the story and the universe of ME. In Oblivion, your character was something I could never become attached too and most of the NPCs were so robotic at times and hilarious. Combat was also so-so for me.
However, I really loved exploring the world of Oblivion and running into things that were completely unexpected and downright surprising. Looking out to the horizon and saying, "Hey, I think I'll go to that weird rock way out there" and actually being able to ride my horse there was absolutely great.
To be honest, both games were lacking certain things that could have made each game a lot better, but in the end, for me it was a matter of w/c game provided more genuine enjoyment and I got that from ME. The game was just more alive compared to Oblivion. I found myself just finishing Oblivion just to get it over with. In ME, there were times I just didn't want it to end.
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