All the money Microsoft wastes giving players gamepass and yet they still can not sell their consoles. You know they are paying way more for rights to these games they put on gamepass then they are pulling in on subs. They are trying to outspend the competition since they can not beat them any other way. And selling at a loss to try to cut out the competition is a clear violation of antitrust laws if intent can be proved.
Lol if I was to think of one thing to add to Justice League to make it a worse movie do not think I could think of anything that would beat adding Jarod Letos joker to it. The Joker is the one thing the franchise has done right up till Leto.
All this nonsense about trickster being so powerful going to get them nerfed unnecessarily. First off we have less then half the skills and if you look at tricksters skills they get nothing else after cyclone strike at 9 rest are support skills. Secondly having farmed a ton of purple gear I can tell you the mods we see are not the only class mods(and legendary probably have even more). And lastly we have no idea since we capped at level 7 on how the skills we currently using going to scale.
Also people judging the power based on chain killing a captain with a shotgun. Guarantee you a Technomancer with someone that can snipe for crap is going to clear rooms a whole lot easier then a trickster(specially if they have my purple sniper with the passive 30 percent of your AP to FP mod.) And the survivablility of the trickster is based on the shield gain they get instead of straight hp. Right now that shield is more efficient then health but as you level your max health goes up max shield does not and being that all the heals are percentage based i am going to guess the trickster going to suffer some survival loss by the time you hit 30.
Have heard that people that deserve it getting banned since diablo 2. But 20 years of experience tells me the bans are just for show and usually easy to catch minor offenders not the real problems. What they do not tell you is that 4999 of the accounts are innactive and unsubbed. But go ahead and believe that they banned 5000 paying customers to satisfy the 10 whiners on their forums.
RMT is just a fact of life and yeah they suck. They have never really done anything to the RMT though and do not believe the lies they tell you. When they do actually make an effort to get the RMT like they did in WoW it actually hurts legit players more. RMT just start stealing accounts more so not only does your account get stolen it gets banned too.
@hardwenzen: well can coop just not with matchmaking. Small issue though considering its prerelease. My issue is with the game itself it is a coop game that punishes you for playing Coop. Takes longer to clear and is harder in group yet you recieve no bonus loot or xp.
Most games you play in group because either you can not solo it or it is faster in group to do. And even in those games were it is easier in group there is usually a group bonus to xp and loot.
@Atzenkiller: Lol doubt many "kids" were hyped since not many even played ff7. And the modern FF games really did not draw a huge audience. Pretty sure the kids tired of us old people talking about games like FF7.
And although FF7R was nowhere near a 10/10 it was not horrible just short and a ton of unnecessary slow walking and unskippable cutscenes to give it the illusion of it having some playtime.
@undeadzombie: Lol only whining I see here is from you about my opinion. I do not care that you do not agree with my opinion. Troll elsewhere. And I did do a lot more then you I stated my opinion you however just trolled with 0 feedback or discussion just attacked my post.
gaeandilth's comments