@bdrtfm: You should do some research on the subject. Fact is these kind of purposefully designing items to fail been happening for 70 years. And you talk about the automotive industry they do EXACTLY that and have been caught doing it. Volkswagon purposely designed a crappy emission vehicle that would "cheat" the emissions tests through software design. Toyota purposely used takata airbag even though they KNEW they were dangerous. Hundreds of examples I could give on this.
Items as simple as a can opener are designed to fail. Is can openers I use from the 1940s that still work yet I goto the store and pick a random can opener and it will last a year at most.
Brake pads on a car are by design to fail. I mean goto an auto parts store there isn't a huge price gap between normal pads and lifetime pads(not lifetime but they do last ALOT longer). yet every new car has the cheap version.
Some of these practices like the brake pads is perfectly legal. Some are not. And Microsoft I guarantee you have done both and FAR worse then even I could imagine.
Sorry to burst your view of the world bubble. But these are facts and ethics do not exist in the corporate world but they very good at faking it.
@firedrakez: And? Playstation has beat xbox in every measure of success every time. Microsoft is worth nearly a trillion, over 50 times Sony's net worth. Microsoft should be embarrassed they are beat so bad every time.
@AvIdGaMeR444: controllers better, playstations first to market fan base, superb marketing. I mean there isn't just one reason Sony has been a bulldog in the gaming space since they dethroned Nintendo.
@bdrtfm: design flaws happen because of cutting corners and not properly testing a product. They do not "just happen". And what does a pandemic have to do with anything. If anything they will raise the price because of it and use it as an excuse to why it is more expensive. Heck they would spread it on purpose if it gave them a few million sales and could get away with it and that is a fact.
If there is a design flaw It is usually on purpose to increase sales. I would almost bet the RROD was a design flaw meant to go off after warrantee they just messed up and it happened too soon.
Xbox1 did not lose because of that announcement. They lost because they overpriced the console 100 dollars more then the ps4 with crappier games and with the xbox 360 rrod still fairly fresh in peoples minds. Fact is the only time xbox was cheaper then ps4 was the xbox 360 and they cut so many corners on that it was worth paying the extra for ps3.
I would almost bet because xbox specs are slightly higher then ps5 they overprice this one too because they are idiots.
@just1mohr: halo. forza. titanfall good games? News to me I played each of them about 2 minutes before immediately deleting them. Bloodborne I got a few weeks out(sure like to see you "finish" bloodborne in 4 days) of I will admit most other ps exclusives are garbage but ALL xbox exclusives are.
And you forget to mention the hundreds of VR games. Resident evil, skyrim, borderlands in VR better then all the exclusives on either system.
I would rather one new game that is good then be able to play every console game ever made on my ps5 for free. I mean i still have like every system anyway if I want to play a game. Heck I even bought a wiiu just to play xenoblade and Zelda. And there is the console with REAL exclusives. Just too bad nintendos systems are cheap pieces of garbage.
Either these guys have some inside info I do not know about or they are kidding themselves. Remember xbox1 was 500 dollars at release? I would almost bet xbox is 599 at best 649 would be my guess though. Only time xbox was cheap we got a cheap product(rrod 360).
@mcnichoj: sound more like a semi poor suburban narcissistic teenager then someone that has experienced any real hardships. Can not imagine why no one wants you. I am sure it is everyone and everything else's fault and not yours too.
@mcnichoj: adoptive father? I lost 4 grandparents, my REAL father, and my father in law. And still I never experienced what I was talking about. But 5 years ago I lost my wife of 23 years and I can tell you 2 years later I was still dreaming she was alive and waking up in panic when reality started to set in.
I did not assume anything I KNOW you never felt real loss or you would of never made that comment. And I did not attack you was a simple statement of fact. Not minimizing the death of a parent either if you are young enough that your parents are in a majority of your day to day life yes I would assume it would be devastating. But parents dying are the normal it will happen eventually(hopefully because I would rather experience the loss of my parents then have them experience the loss of a child).
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