@danmu: I have spoke truth. And again you are the one pivoting and calling people ignorant or dumb without a point. Name a single point I have made that is not true. What am I not being transparent on? What do you have to teach me? Tell me oh great one.
All I see is you arguing to make yourself sound important. I care about anyone unjustly killed. Difference between me and you would of been if it was there I would of knocked that cop off George Floyd you would of took videos of it on your cell phone and faked your outrage. And do not tell me to "be a man" I was a man before your mommy got her first period kid.
@danmu: I know equal justice under the law is beyond your understanding. But censorship is not only preventing them from saying it, It is also by omitting or removing information does not fit your narrative. If in this case they removed a post because it was by what is in your opinion is "hateful" and "inflammatory" it would be censorship. And I welcome your debate I am a big supporter of free speech.
And I support legitimate protests for George Floyd or I will once the justice system fails. But they have not even give it a chance. They have not even waited for one shred of evidence that the crime was racially motivated. They have effectively made a case for the defense in this case for a fair and impartial jury.
By jumping to the conclusion this was racially motived just because the cop was white is racist in itself. And lets not forget George Floyd did not deserve to die but he was still a criminal and not completely innocent like a lot of the victims of these riots.
I myself have endured injustice by the police. I was beaten by 6 cops and put in chair and locked down with seatbelts and hand cuffs and left there without food or water for 18 hours. And all I did was throw my shoe(in the cops general direction). I witnessed a cop while I was sitting in jail choke a teenager because he was uncooperative. Heck just a month ago I had a police officer threaten to arrest me because I did not answer the dog catchers questions. If you think that police injustice is a black only problem you are crazy.
The problem is you take away police power they can not do their job. You give them more power then more bad apples will take advantage of it to abuse said power. These protests do not even offer a solution to the problem they are just a HATE based rant.
@acidraptor: Hit the mark? All he did was create a gibberish article with one actual goal. To make that Trump era America comment and compare Trump supporters to Hillbilly rednecks. Because leftist extremist have no tools in their bags except identity politics. Not one fact in this article. If anything FC5 in its stereotyping was racist against white people.
A leftist wouldn't know a fact if it slapped them upside the head. If they were even half honest most democrat politicians mottos would be "BLACK VOTES MATTER". Heck the entire "All trump supporters are Nascar watching trailer park trash rednecks" was a creation of the democrats to try to shame people out of voting for Trump.
So yeah it hits a nerve when some ill-informed kid gets on the forum and spouts off about something he knows nothing about. If you did your research you would know both sides weaponize information and that democrats wield it ALOT more.
Just because you agree with it does not make it the truth remember that.
What does this have to do with BLM? Black people that have anything to do with BLM are American too. And why would an American made game with an American setting be surprising or offputting? I do not see your article on GTA SA being a product of Obama era America and how provocative it is. Because in your mind that comment about GTA would be racist. But in our non-racists minds it is THE EXACT SAME THING.
Then if that isn't bad enough you indirectly say that these type of overly stereotyped white characters in FC5 are indicative of the type of people that support trump. I do not find the stereotypes in FC5 or GTA SA offensive they are funny and add to the games charm. What I find offensive is this article.
@danmu: Lol you really only have the same crap to say. You are proven wrong then call the person names and say you are leaving. Did the same thing to me like twice. You stole your methods from 12 year old girls on facebook.
Jako said all the ignorant comments should be removed. Translation anyone that has a view that he does not agree with. Bassman asked if he promotes censorship. Which if Jako got his wish would be censorship. Moderation would be taking down the entire discussion or removing ALL inflammatory extreme posts not just one side or the other.
@ticktockman1979: Yeah I know it is so is twitter so is facebook. And they are covered by an immunity to liability for content. But the President has changed this. Go look at the executive order on preventing online censorship. It basically says if a platform censors content in a manner that is biased they lose that immunity.
@danmu: 2nd time you mentioned youtube you must watch a lot of it. I have watched maybe 5 youtube videos in my life and they were on fishing/gaming.
Wealth inequality is a fact of life not a slur to use in your talking points. Will always be that way there is no policies that will change that fact. Big government and private money in that government is the issue.
@aross2004: exactly read and understand that definition. Is anything I said claiming any kind of inherent privilege? You hear a word on CNN and use it for everything under the sun with never knowing what It means.
If I would of said I been a member of gamespot for 50 years go away troll. That would be entitled.
@aross2004: You sound like you are 10 years old using terms like entitled when you do not know what it means. I am being vain, self absorbed, or even narcissistic if anything but not entitled.
@danmu: The term "wealth inequality" has nothing to do with the real issue. Those are people that want a hand out and want to blame others to why they are poor. The real issue is hard working people are screwed over by corporations who have all gotten too big and too powerful. They do not want anything for free they just want a chance.
And everything you have said is an "angry democrat" talking point with no substance all anger. And every post from you I have seen on this topic has been nothing but distraction and misdirection I mean classic democrat blaming everyone else for what they themselves are doing.
We will always have racism problems as long as there are people that think like you. "All politics is identity politics' Lol yeah sure is if you are a democrat because it is the only tool in your bag.
gaeandilth's comments