@Bray209: To review an online fighter fully, you have to be able to fight online. I expect a final review score will show up shortly after servers go live.
@Adam802: Entire article talks about how it actually does work, based on the author's personal experience. Commentator without any basis for his opinion determines it won't work.
I don't know if it's the film's writers or the GameStop reporting that labeled the Laughing Man as a villain, but that's not what that character was. If it's an easy way of reporting the story, fine. I get it.
If this is the spin the writers are putting on things, then I'm with @brimdunkleton: **** me, dude.
@moldyspud: Your reply made me giggle. I'm sorry, but I simply can't take your blanket judgement of my character seriously. Fight on, moldyspud! Spread your opinions far and wide with venom and disgust! Your epic quest will surely get you fame and glory.
@phili878: I had the same sort of apprehension before the beta. I was worried I'd only ever want to hit the DZ with a group, but I had a surprisingly positive experience. With some careful play, I managed a few solo extractions, picked my terrain, was very cautious around groups, and had fun. I ran with the scrambler pulse to hide myself as much as possible, but I also had several very positive, cooperative encounters with other players.
We were restricted to 2 out of 6 Dark Zone regions in the beta. Conceivably, with up to 24 players spread out across all 6 regions, running into each other won't happen as often in the full game.
Or there might be some seriously chaotic extractions.
@phili878: I'm pretty sure it's SUPPOSED to hurt when you die rogue. You went rogue. From the organization that's trying to save New York. It's a risk you took, and you paid for it.
This isn't typical PvP. It's a part of The Division's narrative world, and I'm surprised at how much I like it--far more than strangely contrived and separate arenas. This risky PvE makes more sense as part of an RPG.
@xSlugox: Yeah, I put 14 hours into this dead game this weekend, I'm picking it up day one, and I expect to drop at least another 60 hours trying to figure out why the game is so dead after release. Possibly more. Who knows how long it will take before I'm absolutely certain that the game is dead.
This video could have been titled, "Why GameDelay doesn't play puzzle games. Or games with puzzles. Or games that look favorably on puzzles. (Except for Portal, that was worth it.)"
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