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Nintendo's E3 Conference: Nintendo dominates again.

Nintendo makes another win. Nintendo made a successful conference last year, and now they obliterated the competition this year (especially Microsoft). The 3DS has a lot of great upcoming titles, including, to my surprise, a sequel to Luigi's Mansion :) . Star Fox 64 3D is another big one I'm looking forward to (they were even gracious enough to include Peppy's "DO A BARREL ROLL!" during the trailer). The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is still on my list as well as Kid Icarus. Speaking of LOZ, there is even going to be a series of concerts to celebrate the 25th Anniversary. I am looking forward to buying the CDs. Now as for Nintendo's upcoming system, the Wii U, it looks promising. The concept of the new touch screen controller looks to make some more great innovations. There were even some of games announced (my favorite being an upcoming Ninja Gaiden game as well as a new Super Smash Bros.).

Tell me what you guys thought of Nintendo's Conference.

Songs I am Currently Addicted To (9)

1."I'm Made of Wax Larry, What Are You Made Of?"-A Day To Remember

2."Let Go (End theme to Saw IV)"-Charlie Clouser

3. "To Myself I Turned"-Lacuna Coil

4."The Last Goodbye"-Lacuna Coil

5."Seize the Day"-Avenged Sevenfold

My 5 favorite things to draw.

Some of you may or may not know this, but I love to draw. I am opting to go into animation in the future and I would love to show you guys my work. I, unfortunately can't show you my pictures because I do not have a scanner at the moment. However, I will go ahead and tell you guys my top 5 favorite things to draw.

5. Animals

Who doesn't love animals? I espececially love to draw animals that can be found in African and tropical jungles, like tigers, exotic birds and fish, and primates. I also love to draw dogs :) ; they are awesome.

4. Robots

I'll admit that I am not that good at drawing these, but regardless I think they are very interesting to draw. I love the different forms they can come up with. I especially like to get creative with what parts they are made with.

3. My favorite cartoon/anime/video game characters

Yeah, I decided to group these together. I love drawing the characters from Cowboy Bebop and Fairy Tail, as well as characters from Sonic the Hedgehog (which I like to poke fun of :P )

2. My own characters

This is a given, of course. I can't show you them yet, but once I complete a few projects you will see.

1. Women

Yep. Why?. Because I love their beauty, and plus they just come up with the best poses. And, in all honesty, I love to draw them nude. :shock:

Now I don't do this to be a creeper :P , and definitely not in a pornographic sense (I am more professional than that). I do this because, to me, their natural beauty is the best. I draw them as such in a sensual, and sometimes sexual, sense, but also in a rather innocent and graceful sense. So please do not be offended, because that is not what I am aiming at.

Well, now you know (knowing is half the battle GI JOE!)

Movie Review: Saw II

School is finally out for me, which means more time to focus on my job, gaming, animation, and, of course, movie watching. A few of you may be scratching your heads wandering "You are watching the Saw films?" and I will answer by saying yes. Why? Well, I am a fan of the series. It certainly isn't for the gore and torture if that is what you are thinking. I am actually watching these films for the story. The Saw series has a very interesting concept behind it, and if one were to actually pay attention to these films, one could see that this is more than just a series of slasher films (although as the films progressed they intentionally began to gross you out further).

Before I get into Saw II let me just get my quick little opinion on the first Saw film. To my surprise it was a really good film. The first Saw film is actually more about the story rather than torture (which is a plus). That isn't to say that I don't think the traps are interesting to watch (mainly in the later films), it's just that I don't think that is what it should be about. But the story for the first film was really intruiging and it actually works more like a thriller than a horror film. I thought the acting was pretty good and I especially loved the big twist ending. The only real gripe would be that there are some plotholes to be found. Thankfully these were filled later on.

Now we get on to Saw II. With this installment I was a little dissapointed with. It isn't a terrible movie, but it wasn't as solid as the first film. The acting is good, but the characters are rather stereotypical. We have our tough guy, a guy that tries to get everyone calm, a quiet teenager, an always frightened girl, and so on. Although, once again Mr. Tobin Bell steals the show as John Kramer (a.k.a. Jigsaw). He does an excellent job portraying this quiet, mysterious, and often moody character. The story for this movie was another thing that kind of disappointed me. It's basically several people locked up in a house trying to find a way out, so it's basically like a slasher film in a sense.

So Saw II is passable, but it doesn't really live up to the success of the first film.

Metroid: Other M-First Impressions

Yesterday I was given the chance to play one of my most anticipated Wii titles, Metroid: Other M. My friend was not very satisfied with the results. His biggest problem is that he finds it to be boring. I was still willing to give the game the benefit of a doubt, though. So I managed to play through the first hour or so.

Let me get my initial criticisms out of the way. The biggest issue I am seeing are the cutscenes. Coming from somebody that isn't used to an over abundance of monologuing in the Metroid series, I wasn't very fond of them taking up more time than necessary. The Metroid Prime series delivered very brief cutscenes and most of the story was told through manuscripts and Samus' actions. It also doesn't help that Samus' voice actress sounds so dull. Everyone else sounds decent, but Samus just doesn't sound interesting. I'm sure the cutscenes would be more enjoyable to watch if Samus had a bit more personality to her. But personally, Metroid works best without too much dialog.

I am also dissapointed by the lack of music in this game. The Metroid series has always had excellent music tracks that immersed you into each world. Some can consider the lack of music more atmospheric, but I would think that the music would help out. And possibly the biggest glaring issues I am seeing are the fact that I can't shoot open doors and enemies don't drop missles and health. These aren't major complaints, but they are noticable if you are familiar with the series. And I will jump on the bandwagon by saying that, yes, the way you obtain your weapons via authorization is rather annoying (just wait until I get into the Lava sector). My final complaint comes from the game's linearity. When I think of Metroid, I think of plenty of exploration, but in here you are always told where to go and you are given very little room for exploration.

Complaints aside, this game is actually not too bad. The control seemed awkward at first, but I quickly got used to it and it is actually rather responsive and fluid. Combat is enjoyable and pulling off finishing moves is pretty nice as well. The graphics are also fantastic, with great looking detailed environments and character models that animate rather nicely. The CG cutscenes also look amazing.

Metroid: Other M wasn't quite the Metroid adventure I was looking for, but this game is still fun enough for me to finish.

Farewell Drama Seniors of 2011 (plus big projects for next year).

Wow, I can't believe that my school year is just about over. Time seems to have flown quickly this year (which may be good in some cases). I still have more work to do, but I look forward to the end of the next two weeks. Last night I went to a Drama awards banquet (where I found my girlfriend there :oops: ) and needless to say it was very emotional. My brother won a few awards and even a scholorship :D. I was nominated for something ( but I didn't expect to win since I hardly did much). Toward the end of the ceremony was when the Seniors began to say their goodbyes to the awesome Drama teacher. There were, of course, many tears shed. Seeing them like this made me think about what all I did this year, but more importantly it made me think of what I was going to do next year to leave a nice handprint into my school, something that people can remember me by to make my senior year the most enjoyable. I want to create an animation project for not only the next Drama awards, but as well as something for my graduation. I'm hoping to create this so I can also show it off to you guys.

But yeah, my junior year is just about over and before I know it I'll be approaching the final days of High School.

Cheers ;)

Looking back on Shadow The Hedgehog (plus Sonic 06 compare/contrast)

Recently I went out and bought Shadow the Hedgehog for the GameCube. This was for a couple of reasons: 1-I wanted to add to my Sonic Collection being the fan that I am; 2-To see if the GameCube version was better than the PS2 version, which is what I originally played. To know what I thought of the PS2 version go to my review.

I remembered back when the trailers for this game came out and I thought it was going to be epic. I questioned the decision of adding weapons and, most especially, vehicles and bad language, but I was eager to get the game. At first, I began to like it, but as I continued playing I began to notice the problems more and more. So after a few years I finally traded it in. But now I have the GameCube version and I can say that it is actually a little better than the PS2 version. The GameCube version has much faster load times and less framerate issues. But the remaining problems that plauge the game are just like I remembered. However, what makes this interesting is that the more I am playing the game, the more I start to enjoy it a bit. I continue to get better at facing the bad issues and I find myself speed running some of my favorite levels. Perhaps I could consider this a guilty pleasure. Is it still a pretty bad game? Yes, but it is tolerable enough for me to finish.

Now as for Sonic 06, the game that came out a mere year later, that is something I never want to replay multiple times. I wanted to make a comparison between the two bad games. Needless to say, yes, I think Shadow the Hedgehog is a much better game by comparison. But they both have a couple of things in common.


-Bad controls

-Bad voice acting

-Bad stories

-Annoying characters

-Good music

-Underwhelming in-game visuals (but beautiful CG cutscenes)

Why Shadow The Hedgehog is better:

-You actually run FAST!

-You don't play as other annoying characters for no reasons (they follow you around, sure, but you weren't forced to play as them)

-More stage variety

-Better soundtrack (at least to me)

-Not glitched up the a$$

-There exsist actual physics

-No long load times (at least in the GameCube version)

So there you go. The GameCube version is better and the game is still Better than 06 any day.

Cheers ;)

Back together or never truly apart to begin with?

If one can recall I made an update post around last year basically stating that I was a single man once more.....or so I thought. What happened was that me and my girlfriend just stopped seeing eachother. Why we did this I never truly understood. It was more recently when I began to ponder why? My girlfriend (I think), just recently, started noticing me once more. I was happy to see her, but more importantly I was glad that there was nothing bad between us. I've been drawing her a few pictures of my, and her favorite, Anime characters. She loves them and she would give me a nice kiss every now and then. I would think that this was a sign that she still wanted to be with me, but I'm still not quite sure. I just need time to be sure.

Regardless, I still love her and I hope to at least continue a freindship if she is not interested in me in such a way any more. But if she is, then that just makes me a happier man.

Sonic Fanboys Vs. Sonic Generations

A good deal of my fanbase can basically never be pleased. It is as if they expect Sega to custom tailor their own games so that they can finally be satisfied. How can you hate on something like Sonic Generations? It has Classic Sonic playing just like the old days and Modern Sonic playing like Unleashed/Colors. To me that combination of gameplay sounds like a winner. But, of course, haters are gonna hate, complaining about the dumbest, insignifigant details (Aknotholeresident andybody?) over just enjoying a game for what it is (or at least giving proper criticisms). The fanboys are the reasons why the Sonic Community is so hated. Sega has been showing signs of improvement over the past few years and I am happy to see them back on track.

But despite fanboys I will still be a fan of the series (unless they pull another 06 on us) and I greatly look forward to Sonic Generations.