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@wrestlingd: I thought you were another poster. My apologies. Nonetheless, people complaining that companies making games on a specific platform need to consider that the corporations have a bottom line to meet. For example, Dynasty Warriors sell the most copies in its home country of Japan, so why are companies going to bother spending money to make it other platforms where it would not sell? This is not the Japanese being self centered. It is all about companies being practical with the allocation of resources. If a game knowingly will not sell on a given platform, then why bother making it for said platform? Yes, I have heard about Japanese egocentric ism, but video games are all about sales and money. If Western consoles sold a lot of numbers in Japan, then games that sell the best in the country would be put on those platforms. This is also Final Fantasy 13 was released a lot later on xbox 360 in Japan than the PlayStaiton 3 version. Numbers matter when it comes to video games. We are still at the point where every title is multplatfrom.

The dedicated handheld gaming market is pretty much gone since the Vita failed to be successful from a hardware perspective worldwide. The Nintendo Switch just killed the potential for future portables from the company. Microsoft is putting most if not all of its first party games on PC, so it is pretty much saying good bye to console market after the One X. Sony is trying to strengthen its brand through cloud services that can be used through multiple devices, so I doubt we will see another huge upgrade after the company puts out a machine that responds to the One X. Eventually, every game will be put everywhere. Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo will still be around as brands, but the dedicated gaming machine will no longer exist. No one will be able to say that a company or territory is egocentric because their games will be everywhere.

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Edited By gamenerd15

@wrestlingdude: Why are you bringing racism and pride into this? Dynasty Warriors is a Japanese game. PlayStation 4 is most popular console right now worldwide. It is called a business decision. Why put out a game on a console where it will not sell anywhere near the units it will PS4? Xbox One has failed in almost every territory except North America. It does ok in Europe. The system sells worse in Japan and Asian than the 360 did. According to ballpark numbers from Vgchartz, the xbox one has only sold 76,000 units in Japan as of January 2017. Dynasty Warriors sells the best in the Asian and Japanese markets. Since PlayStation 4 is the dominant console in North America as well the UK and Europe, why would Omega Force put the Xbox One? Dynasty Warriors 8 sold four times as much on PlayStation 3 as it did on 360, and this when North America preferred Xbox. If the majority of the every territory prefers PlayStation 4 to Xbox One, why should a developer put out a game on a platform that has even reached 1/10 of a million in sales in his or her home country? It makes no sense.

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@lilhurk1985187: Why are you buying American consoles to play Japanese games? If you want to play Japanese titles, then get a Japanese console. It is that simple. Japanese consoles are almost guaranteed Japanese games.

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@nabinator: Far Cry 4 had game modes crashing online on day 1. When games modes crash, that is more than a bug. Fallout 4 and elderscrolls 5 were not fine. Skyrim would freeze on consoles, especially the PS3. Fallout 4 dipped in frame rate and some missions were difficult to finish due to bugs. Assassins creed Unity's characters did not have faces. Just because you did not experience issues does not mean that they were not there. I would rather have a game take forever and work right the first time than have it come out and need patches in order to make the game look and play well enough to finish it the way it was intended instead of having to find solutions to problems. Fallout New Vegas had bugs with some kind of mission involving a cowboy hat. Make the game run well, or do not put it on consoles.

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@Thanatos2k: "It's sad how bad their recent track record is. Seriously. You don't see this shit with major western developers.

My point was that Nabinator was saying that Western developers do not have a bad track record with games I was proving otherwise by naming games that had some significant problems on day one. Western developers put games out only to patch the title day one to fix issues with the game.

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@dacontag: As I was saying earlier. Not every character is going to come back in every installment. Kazuya was not in Tekken 3, and he is supposed to be one of the "main" characters in regards to the story. Scorpion was not the original Mortal Kombat 3. Lui Kang was not in Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance. Not every character in a franchise will make a return for every sequel. Lei, Anna, and Julia Chang were cut this time around. Everyone else for the most part is in the game. If you play only as one character in a fighting game, then that is your fault for not expanding your horizons. True, you can play any game however you want to, but it is not up to the developer to include every single character for every sequel that comes out. The developer does not have to do this. I believe Harada already said that DLC would not be other Tekken Characters. Why get the sequel to a fighting franchise that has the exact same roster as the previous games? It is kind of dumb. Variety is the spice of life.

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Edited By gamenerd15

@dacontag: Every iteration of a fighting franchise does not have to have every character from the previous entries. If the developer never changes the roster, then why bother making another installment in the first place? If you want to play a tekken game with every character ever then play Tag 2. Lei is not a staple character. Heihachi, Law, Paul, and Nina are staple characters. Kazuya has not been in all the iterations either. He was not in Tekken 3.

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@nabinator: Assassins creed Unity was broke the day it came out. The same can be said for Fall Out 4, Far Cry 4, Prey, the newest Sim City, Halo collection, Elder Scrolls 5, Elder Scrolls Online, No Man's Sky, and so forth. Pretty much every open world game has been broken on day 1. Star Citizen has been in development for how long now?

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Edited By gamenerd15

@preacher001: True, but we still knew the game was coming. I just do not see the complaints about rehashes. How can anyone complain about no "brand new" being shown off. All the announcements came in previous years. Sure, I would have liked to see something from Sucker Punch, but I think that the studio's new game is probably going to be on "PlayStation 5, and that is why is was not show off. Media Molecules new game is in the same boat probably.

Games have been coming out left and right for PS4 since the end of last year.

There has been the Last Guardian, Gravity Rush 2, Yakuza 0, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Tales of Baseria, Nioh, Nier, and Persona 5. Hot Shots Golf is coming out in August, and Ni No Kuni is coming out in November. There was nothing shown off from Square at the Sony conference because the games that company is making are nowhere near ready. Square has lost its crown as the best developer of RPGs. Namco is actually doing better than Square on the console side of things. The Tales games, while being built on PS3 hardware have been pretty good. I like the tweaks to combat system in Baseria where each button does a move. Ni No Kuni is being published by Namco but developed by Level 5. Capcom is retooling Deep Down. Did Sony come up short? Sure, but let us remember that Sony has released so many games this year while Microsoft and Nintendo have not done that much with Xbox One or Switch. Microsoft gave everyone the fifth Forza game on the console, Crackdown 3, and an a premium version of its newest system. Nintendo announced fun platformers that are coming out in 2018. All in all, this year's E3 is basically a letter saying wait until next year. That is pretty much across the board for everyone except Ubisoft.

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What did people expect? Square is still hiring for the Final Fantasy 7 remake, so that game is nowhere near done. Shenmue 3 got pushed back, and The Last of Us: Part 2 is probably nowhere near finished. Ni No Kuni 2 is coming out in November so that is a shocker. I thought that game would come out much later. The RPGs everyone wants are not going to be out for a long time. Kojima's new game is not going to be out for awhile. there is also a few more shows happening this year. I would rather developers take their time to put a demo together than rush something out for E3.