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People do realize that Sega own the Bayonetta Franchise right? So why are there arguments about what platform Bayonetta 2 will be on. It will probably end up a timed exclusive for Wii U and then get ported later. The original trailer had a Sega log in it for crying out loud. Even if Platinum Games does not handle the port, Sega could always outsource it to someone else.

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Did no one see this coming at all. Rayman Origins was put on every platform, so why would the sequel be any different? Ubisoft almost always ports is games to every platform Splinter Cell, Prince of Persia, Beyond Good and Evil have always been multiplatform titles as well as older Rayman games. How many platforms was Rayman 2 put on? The industry proves my philosophy again and again. Do not buy consoles for third party games.

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Edited By gamenerd15

People do realize that Sega still owns the trademark of Bayonetta right? Sega could release a "Bayonetta 2 Sigma" if the company wanted to. People think that just because a game is published by a company than it means the title will no go multiplatform. People forget that the what really matters is who owns the IP. This is why Mass Effect 1 and Ninja Gaiden 2 were put on PS3. EA owns Bioware and therefore also own Mass Effect. Tecmo owns Ninja Gaiden and therefore can port to whatever system it want to. Sega owns the franchise. and the company's logo pops up in the original trailer. It is stupid to buy a system for third party "exclusives." If you are going to get a system, buy it for its first party software. The only kind of third party games where exclusivity means something is one where a company really loves a console maker. An example of this would be Quantic Dream. Ninja Gaiden Razor's Edge was going to be ported sooner or later. Tecmo just finished porting Ninja Gaiden 2 to Vita, so it only stands to reason that the company would port NG 3 again a year later. The company did the same thing with the first game on Xbox as well. Rayman Legends will also be ported. Ubisoft put Origins on every system imaginable, so I doubt Legends will stay exclusive for very long.

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The direct feed was not disappointing, but it was not amazing. The only surprises were the Yoshi Land and Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei games. Nintendo showed off Zelda in HD at E3 2011, so we already knew then that a new Zelda game was being worked on. A new Mario Kart and 3D Mario game are not that amazing. Everyone knew these games were coming, so why are people excited? Monolith prepping a game for Wii U is also old news. Is the West actually going to get the game in an acceptable amount of time, or are we going to have wait and see if Nintendo feels like publishing it outside of Japan. I am pretty sure each game will be cool, but I wanted something new or a reboot of an old franchise like F-Zero.

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It is funny how people claim that Overstrike was the better idea, but no one ever saw any gameplay of that game at all. Overstrike could have played like crap. Then again, Overstrike could have had the same gameplay as this does, and everyone would be praising the game just because of art style Art Style does not make a game good. Art style is important for presentation, but if he gameplay is not there, then it is going to fall flat. How about waiting until actually comes out before one judges the game? Overstrike could also have been generic. No one will ever know.

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Edited By gamenerd15

The Move actually sold 15 million? That is surprising since there are not a lot of reasons to own one.

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@abHS4L88 How do you know that Sony's do not have the formula to carry on after three titles? Sony did not have a strong first party during the PS1 era. That is why most of its games did not carry over to PS2. We have seen quite a bit of old franchises hit the PS3 like Wipeout, Ratchet, God of War, Twisted Metal, Sly Cooper, Sing Star, Socom, and Gran Turismo. There are some games that did not make it like Dark Cloud and Jak and Daxter, but most of Sony's properties came to PS3. Just because a franchise does not span decades does not mean that the series is no longer any good. Maybe the developers were just done with the property. Not every game in the world needs sequels. There can be titles that stand alone.

All the console makers are good in their own way. Fanboyism must end.

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Edited By gamenerd15

@KBfloyed. If the team is happy with how Gravity Rush sold, then that is all that matters. Not every game needs to sell a million copies to be successful.

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Edited By gamenerd15

There isn't a whole lot of difference, it just seems the brightness on the ps3 is way up. People claiming to that the xbox version is way better are just trying to flaunt. The game itself isn't that good so who really cares