gamer2damax's forum posts
Do you use your ps3 webbrowser to hang out on the forum or a webbrowser on the computer?ghostviper88I currently do not own a PS3, but will own one shortly. For now I'm using my PC, but in the near future I should be using my PS3.
is 1366* 768 pixel good?????for lcd hdtvminotoro50Hmm, that's the exact resolution of my LCD HDTV. Though 720p is fine for me. Like someone else had state before, "I'd rather have a 720p resolution game with amazing graphics and a spectacular frame-rate(60fps) than a 1080p with decent graphics and an average frame-rate(30fps)."
I think MGS4 will be a 720p game. It will have too much eye candy for 1080p. Simple games like basketball and tennis can be 1080p, but I don't see a game like MGS4 in 1080p.b11051973I agree with your statement, and plus I have a 32" so it really won't matter.
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