gamer2damax's forum posts
as your only console, or shared with another console.......?? games ? technology ? Blu-Ray ? PS brand loyalty ? console life-time ?Ipik_FenrisI had chosen the Playstation 3 for its games, and its Blu-Ray High Definition movies.
I just got mine and its so fun i dont even eat or poo or pee anymore because i am hooked!!!!Well I'm glad you like the PS3, but seriously that header is only gonna bring in people who troll and haters, so watch yourself.
[QUOTE="MikeinSC2"]Can you please allow some people to have a discussion without constant trolling?:lol:Says the troll - priceless! :lol: Hey chubear700 I understand your frustration, I hate despise trolls myself. But, seriously just leave the guy alone there is no use of arguing. We are all gamers and we all have our own opinions about systems. I myself own a Wii and a PS3. I love both systems and cannot wait for future PS3 titles. I honestly think the XBOX360 is also another great system, but to tell you the truth it isn't for me. It doesn't appeal to my kind of tastes. I don't care if a person talks about how much they love their system, but I do care if they CONSTANTLY bash another one. It is downright annoying, and will not do anything but frustrate and anger people. So, if you honestly think he's a troll (which I don't Mike, i just think you name out the PS3's flaws a bit much for my taste) then just simply ignore him, as well as any other troll that comes on this message board.
[QUOTE="MikeinSC2"]The PS3 has few good games. If you don't like somebody mentioning reality, that'll be a problem for you in life.
I know it does just give it time for them to come out with some good games like heavenly sword , DMC4 , MGS4 , FF13 , eight days , the getaway and much much more are on the way and those stupid Wii60 fanidiots could stfu.
Um agree with you except can you please call them stupid "Wii60" fan idiots. I have a Wii and a PS3 and I love Nintendo and Sony. I don't think I'm a fan idiot but I hate it when people diss the Wii just as much as I hate it when people diss the PS. I'm actually the only one in my entire school that likes the PS3 (which kinda sucks but w/e) Anyways I love your sig i think it's hilarious... yeah i'm done
[QUOTE="destructiontalk"]uhm I'd call it CRAP since it is crap and I never play it what waste of moneyblackldragon
Piss off ya bloody wanker.
I call mines world destroyer because I have a decal on it with the world being destroyed. :P
Just ignore the troll. Trust me when no one pays attention they will go away.
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