Unless it is some super-cheap deal or something I will NEVER buy a movie via digital download. I like owning things, tangible items that can be lent out or sold. I see no reason why the two can't coexist.[QUOTE="gamer_10001"]
Think how long it took VHS to die when DVD came out (as far as new movies being put on them). The quality jump was significant, the packaging was lighter and smaller, and you got a plethora of extras.
Blu-ray has significantly better quality than DVD, the packaging is smaller but a bit heavier (not a factor), and you get even more extras (or all standard extras on one disc). However to get the quality benefit this time around you also need an HDTV, and let's not forget the higher price of Blu-ray and the current economy. So with that in mind probably no time soon. By the time it would be there hopefully we'll be at a point where everything is distributed digitally.
Blank DVD's are dirt cheap, Digital downloads should be cheaper than standard (no production or distribution costs). So just back it up nice and easy.
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