Didn't they say they were going to keep it running regardless what the courts rule?
Well, from Pirate Bay:
"The good people at the MAFIAA decided to sue. Not TPB, not the owners of TPB. Not even TPBs ISP. They decided to sue TPBs ISPs ISP.
And you know what? They won. They made a court believe their #lies and they made them force the ISPs ISP to shut down access to TPB.
TPB can be compared to the organisation that builds the roads for cars to drive on. The ISP can be compared to the organisation that creates the asphalt for the roads. The ISPs ISP can be compared to the organisation that creates the tools needed to the asphalt to be created. You would normally not sue that organisation if a car speeds.
The MAFIAA has spent millions of dollars and endless amounts of time to get this ban in order. Our guess is that they also bribed a bit to get it since it violates so many laws not only in Sweden but also in the EU, not to mention violations against human rights. And what do they have to show for it? 3 hours of partial downtime."
And exactly how does this violate that in any shape fashion or form?Well not specifically this case but the RIAA sued Jammie Thomas-Rasset for sharing 24 songs (not for profit, and the "sharing was due to the automatic upload of data while downloading) she lost... (that's not the bad part necessarily) and has to pay 1.92 million dollars in statuatory damages. I could buy those songs for less than $30 on Amazon right now.
They have also used illegal means to gain data on people through organizations such as MediaSentry which allows them to sue people that do not have the monetary means to hire competent legal help.
They lobby and bribe and lie to get cases and laws and judges on their side.
If a ruling may go against them they may drop the case and then refile the claim to get a different judge (at least one time they did this they didn't inform the new judge of the previous case).
Now don't get me wrong, I think that the artists who make the music that we buy should be compensated, but almost no money from the sale of these songs even go to the artists signed with the MAFIAA. Organizations like the MPAA and RIAA do nothing but pursue, not the major pirates and bootleggers, but people who can't afford to fight back (whether "guilty" or not) through illegal means.
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