@bobafetthatesu: Im probably a bigger PC gamer than you think yu are, so yeah whatever you believe troll. Battlefield 3 and 4 are amongst the biggest cheaters-infested communities gaming has known. Ive played Dark Souls: Prepare to Die edition on PC the day it came out 3 years ago and saw a good amount of invincible asshats to know what Im saying.
@shalashaska_: Lol no its not. Its an old clunky mess, was great for its time, but is nothing compared to what DICE made. I dont care if I cant mow down retard A.I stormtroopers. Theres plenty of modes for that in the new BF. Having multi-colored troopers on the battlefield,or heck, helmetless troopers is just out of place and would totally ruin everything this game stands for in the first place so Im all in for no customization. Right now if you want to play a red-stripped shocktrooper you have to spawn as one of the villains bodyguard which makes wayyy more sense.
@shalashaska_: Youre one of the first to complain about terrible spawn points, o thers complain about being shot from all around and never get to move, others complain about this and that. Strange I dont have those same complaints? Maybe cause people should first L2P then maybe their opinion would matter.
@Tanares:Ok cause to customize your character in a MP only FPS game that takes place in a universe where everything is already set in stone is what would make a game good? They stayed true to the franchise, nailed everything perfectly and theres no better way a FPS Star Wars game should play than this.
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