Games giving me more fun than anything else that came out this year with the exception of bloodborne. Playing this game on PC and enjoying the hell out of it between the survival missions and Fighter Squadron/WA online Im still far from being bored with battlefront. This game reminds me alot of both Rogue Squadron/shadows of the empire with the smooth,polished gunplay of battlefield. Between the breathtaking graphics and superior control this game is meant to be played on a PC for the best,immersive experience. Meanwhile Ive put 30-40hrs in FO4, spent most of the time building my amazing settlement at star-light drive in and exploring the north-west/middle-west part of the map all on survival and I feel like ive already seen everything the game has to offer,and just like every damn previous Bethesda games the hardest difficulty mode is always a cakewalk and ends up redundant as F. People bashing battlefront are 90% bad at games in general, their opinions should be taken with a grain of salt. This game is amongst the best star wars games ever made.
Project M is what Brawl should've been. All the little tweaks and improvements they did to so many characters that felt bland otherwise (3 full-fledged pokemons instead of Poke trainer was just awesome,or the way you could change Samus's cannon between Ice and pulse with the D-pad taunt) anyway, that and the added levels all for free was simply just awesome. Ive had great time playing their mod with friends before moving on to Smash 4 and I want to congrats these guys for their work.
@gstkiller: Hmmm glad to see there might be hope for me too then... or else I wish you at least get your access to the DLC since ordering from gamestop is totally legit and not a 3rd party reseller... Did you get your copy on the release date?
@bobafetthatesu: Oh well, first of all I meant to say GMG but yeah, now I get it why you pay such a low price for the game. Anyway, I can wait 1 more week Ive still got plenty of survival missions to finish and other games to play.
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