@DeadPhoenix86: First of all cause I couldnt givfe a damn about Xbox chore franchises like Halo/GoW or TR reboot. I get my FPS fix on PC(along with other titles like Hearthstone/HOTS etc) and most of my adventure/rpg games are played on the PS4 for the trophies/where most of my friends game on and cause its the most powerful machine out of the 2. Wii U well Ive been a Nintendo fan for my whole life and still enjoy what they make alot (even if the last Wii U game I purchased was SSB) I still cant wait for Star Fox and the next LoZ.
@Kezzy123: Except I just played BF for the entire day and this game is anything but bad. It runs flawlessly at Ultra on PC, is simply the most spot-on,gorgeous,immersive and polished star wars game we ever got.
@bobafetthatesu: Its not a campaign, but there ARE 5 unique, well-made missions that are all replica of key moments in the movies and they're really fun to play through and unlock the 3 stars and they each have their own cinematics.
Trailer gave me the chills Im truly missing out on something... Really loved the first 2 games I guess I WILL have to invest the hours into this one too yet Im having a hard time finishing FO4 right now with the settlement building where I invest most of my playtime... and Battlefront/HS on the PC theres just so many games I wish I could play.
World design is bland and predictable. Lots of forgettable areas which are all pretty linear that take 15mins to breeze through and theyre all made the same way : You always get 2 paths when entering a new area, one is leading to a locked elevator that simply feels out of place 3/4 of the time simply cause they felt the need to slap in a shortcut for every god damn zones even if theres no incentives to go back in previously explored zones since theres practically no secrets/worthable loot/mats to farm to upgrade your weapons in this game since everythings linear and shallow. And the other path is your straight line to the next boss where they threw waves of enemies at you.
IMO, even if I enjoyed the game alot, Miyazaki is overrated and proved it with this game. Both me and my friend had way, WAY more fun playing Dark Souls 2 on PS3, put an average of 700hrs each making all kinds of different builds and PvPing alot. This game here, PvP is pretty much non-existent. A load of rubbish and button spamming with 0 depth added to it. I honestly hope he got a grip on himself and didnt put too much of Bloodborne into Dark Souls 3 or he'll have manage to ruin one of the best series Ive enjoyed the most.
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