@ikihi: Except Ive played both past battlefront to death as well as owning the entire Rogue Squadron collection and this game recaptures both franchises perfectly so yeah, probably just another nostalgia blinded fool. Go back to playing your old,clunky battlefront 2 mess that does NOTHING more this game does. Even if they went back and readded the republic era from the prequels the gameplay would remain the same and you fucking picky nerds would still whine about the same things. Even if they eventually add Galactic Conquest which would be the same god damn thing as Fighter Squadron but set in space (ok you could land on ships and have the FPS segment added to it, then what?) You guys would still find a reason to whine.
Except the games a masterpiece and Im having a blast playing both in Assault Walker and Fighter Squadron. Single player missions against the A.I were also amazingly well done and I wish there was more of them while Survival mode provides a great challenge when Im tired of playing against others.
The game runs flawlessly at Ultra on PC and is probably the most immersive online Star Wars experience Ive ever wanted to play. Always the casuals crying about MP only simply cause they suck at it.
GamerOuTLaWzz's comments