@coop36: Youre right, kinda desperate to see the state of this industry filled with a bunch of skilless,clueless casuals floodign every god damn gaming websites feeling like their opinions matter everytime when theyre actually aint worth shit at gaming in the first place.
Like I should care what some terribad casuals who consider themselves ''critics'' say. This is my GOTY no doubt. Ive put more than 10 hrs in the beta alone and was enjoying every single minutes of it. People just need to git gud or shut the **** up cause your opinions aint shit. Now if only GMG could send me my god damn cdkey before thursday...
@sylvzz: Im 27 and have played almost every possible FPSes since the SNES/Wolfenstein days so yeah, Im not bored at all of the genre when its something well done and immersive such as BField/BFront. As a BIG big fan of Star Wars (also played every possible games ever since the SUper star wars on SNES) and a BIG fan of the rogue squadron serie having the mix of both the on-ground FPS and aerial combat that is the closest to what RS was all in one game with the same quality as battlefield = something that just cant be a miss to me. Beta was lots of fun and I expect even more from the full game.
@sladakrobot: My friend replied th esame thing when I shown him the vid(He doesnt play FO4). But in a situation where youre fighting mutated creatures/zombies setting things on fire as you slice through them (which might not kill them instantly like it would to humans) COULD be useful. Anyway, now we can clearly see that something viable in game doesnt confirm that its irl replica would work as intended in the game.
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