Currently building a giganormous base at StarLight Drive-In and enjoying the hell out of it, heck Ive probably spent just as much time building as I went exploring so far and this is what makes me enjoy this game alot without burning my self. Ive been on survival from the beginning and begin to find stuff abit easy to deal with (still not far in the main game tho) but I did encounter creatures that just cant be dealt with for now like the Behemoth and Deathclaws.
@bobbo888: Except Activision OWNS Blizzard and theyre now just as soulless and greedy as the others. Its their well-established and loved franchise that keeps them afloat.
@pad242: Which has been the case with every damn review/reviewers on this site and IGN (sicne theyre the only 2 gaming sites I visit) for the past decade. Journalists =/= Gamers.
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