@Undertow207: The way he makes it seem here is as if they slapped a companion who follows you constantly. But yes, the phantoms you summon always were dumb.
@Mogan: People claim it lacks content yet they havent tried 1/10 of the game. Theres 6 very well-made missions where you fight agains the A.I which all recaptures moments of the movies. Theres the Hero battle mode against A.I which you can play solo or in co-op and the survival missions which offer a great and fun challenge. Thats withoiut the 6-8 multiplayer game modes the game has and theyre all tons of fun, with supremacy/Walker assault and fighter squadrons being my favorites.
@ltjohnnyrico: Couldnt agree with you more. Lovely and fun game that Im pleased to be able to enjoy since Ive been waiting for this for so long. Loving both Walker Assault and Fighter Squadrons so much.
Plat'd the original game, enjoyed it(alot) for what it was,but this franchise doesnt even stand close to Dark Souls. Gameplay, online PvP and world design were such a drop in quality compared to the Souls serie. Still a much better game than most of the garbage released nowadays but Im nowhere in a hurry to purchase this DLC with Fallout 4 taking most of my PS4 time and Battlefront/Hearthstone on PC. Then with Dark Souls 3 in 3 months I might get to play this DLC next summer.
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