@shalashaska_: Dude, this is star wars, they wont add recoil to guns that shouldnt have any to make you nerds happy. The DL-44 can be unlocked by everyone, the spawning is anything but a problem and last thing I can tell you is to L2P. Fighter Squadron is amazing, Walker Assault is amazing, H vs Villain is lots of fun too, Survival missions on master are a great challenge. The 5 extra missions were lots of fun too. Have yet to try Turning Point but I have no doubt Ill play this mode alot also and enjoy the Jakku map. This game is a thousand more times immersive, enjoyable and brings WAY more tension than anything the dull ass, boring,redundant Fallout 4 could ever bring.
@cboye18: lol yep. So much for being an early exclusive when all theyre doing is milk the fanbox userbase and give more to the PS4 for less in the long term.
@super600: You mean, the staff isnt good enough to appreciate one of the most immersive online experience that is Battlefront. Happens when you tend to suck at something.
Fo4 is overrated. Another redundant bethesda game that feels like youve seen everything after spending 30hrs and only exploring the 1/4 of the mapĀ. Combat is dull, survival mode is a joke. Overrated is overrated. MY GOTM is Battlefront and I dont give a shit what the flood of casual haters here say.
@dexda: Royal rat authority boss was a joke... you could kill the 5 small rats beofre they even get to you,and if 1 or 2 survives all you have to do is stand under the boss, take out the 2 remaining and slice at the bosses legs without ever getting hit.
GamerOuTLaWzz's comments