@RSM-HQ @larz_1234 The real answer should be: Does he like roboticly bad-coded non-scary generic aliens thats been around for over 2 decades where you dont do much but stare at him and wait to die or survive when he should smell you from the other end of the ship and crawl onto walls or ceilings instead of walking like a 2-legged brainless,badly-coded robot. Then go with Craplien: Isolashit
or enjoy a masterly crafted gem that keeps you on the egde of your seat and will constantly throw new things like enemies,traps,situations at you with a breathtaking atmosphere and creature designs, weapons that feels great and all different and unique, abilities that actually matter when you upgrade them like the speed running time etc and a true feeling of dread then pick The Evil Within.
@irishrizo @rubenlsan @mikemaj82 Still,you understand what he says. RE 4,5,6 = action BS with barely no puzzles or situations where you have to think/elaborate on getting rid of your enemies while RE:0,REmake,2,3, CVX = the masterpieces of the serie and a true survival horror experience.
@leakingdogmilk Dude, if you havent played the game spare your BS comments please. This game is the best survival horror title released in the last 2 gens outside of the ''no weapon run or hide'' BS like Outlast,amnesia and Craplien:isolation that weve been constantly getting lately.
GamerOuTLaWzz's comments