@ChiefFreeman Guys,youre loading a different section of a map. Would you rather have a black screen? Those doors are also there to add to the thrill of not knowing what youre going into.
@Xristophoros @yamilvirginio @VenkmanPHD Theyre also meant to add to the tension. Not knowing if you need to ready your weapon or not and have no sound at all of whats on the other side of the door during the animation and the way you enter a pitch black area makes it tense and thrilling. They even managed to trick us in RE2 with the 2 zombies rushing at you when opening the door leading outside of the police station. In REmake hunters are able to open doors and chase you through different rooms in some cases.
@joke_man Theyre linear in the way you cant change the story with different decisions/actions but they gave the player the opportunity to explore and not follow a strict,linear path like the new games do. Also in REmake you had events that happened where you could fail and change the game in some ways. The new REs are trying wayyyyyyyyyyyy too hard at turning into god damn movies and theyre FAR from being as good as the previous titles. RE4 wasnt good,RE4 started the trend of cinematic-heavy linear over-the-shoulder garbage we kept getting last gen.
@ramtracker42 @gameroutlawzz Except Ive probably played more video games than you can believe. Im 26,and was playing the first Mario game on NES only a few months old,so nope.
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