@joke_man Re4 is a joke even on the hardest difficulty you end up with hundreds of pistol bullets, shotgun shells, panoply of mixed herbs and grenades and,snipers and wtv rhe f*ck else. You never run out of ressources,the game is linear as f*ck and throws waves of enemies at you. Dude, old-school REs were, and still ARE the best survival-horror experience, you just sucked at them hence the fact you probably like the generic over-the-shoulder gameplay more.
@ramtracker42 I have a SSD in my PS4, I doubt loading times will be a issue for me. And your 2nd complaint only makes me believe that youre bad a games ,really bad and you probably never held a controller before the 2000s.
@sinister1989 Except both the platforming and combat in AC sucks giant donkey balls. Theres nothing more dull,casual and dumbed down than this spam/hold-x-to-win fest. There are far better action games out there to take elements from instead of this generic,milked-to-death casual franchise.
@Celtic_34 @gameroutlawzz As someone who never cares much about the story in a game but would rather have deep gameplay mechanics, I fell in love with GTA V. The humor,settings,characters and the dialogues made it such a hilarious and lovely game.
@Celtic_34 dude,you cant get more dull,repeptitive and streamlined of a game than that ...AC and Arkham mechanics...ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww enjoy that spam-X-to-win fest. Ass Creed has the most bland and boring platforming ever that requires 0 effort to achieve and the combat...oh lord the combat is a total casual mess. I liked the first batman AA game,but man,after playing one you realise how shallow and boring the combat is.
@Stogin @gameroutlawzz Destiny,Dark Souls 2 and Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen are the games I currently play , Lords of the Fallen, The Evil Within and next years Bloodborne are titles to be worth playing that will deliver amazing gameplay and replayability over this spam-X-to-win casual turd that,once again, will get WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too much praise for the actual garbage that it is. I bet all the f*cktwats who replied with hate comments are a bunch of braindead casuals who praise Crap of Us as the game of a generation. Youre all terrible,grow some skills cause you suck at games.
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