@RSM-HQ @gameroutlawzz Its an Alien. It shouldnt be staticly walking slowly on 2 legs or opening doors. It should crawl onto walls and ceilings, smell you whenever youre in the same room as them and chew your ass before you even can manage to spot it with your motion tracker. Something AvP games executed perfectly.
@RSM-HQ @gameroutlawzz Never have I mentioned DNF. I said Duke Nukem 3D. The ORIGINAL duke nukem game with all its expansion packs which plays just like Doom but with more depth and lenght. Anyway,youre not teaching me anything. Ive played every Doom games in history, every UT games, CnC: Renegade, goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Time Splitters, AvP 1,2, 2010, Hexxen, and a ton of other FPSes in my 25years of gaming. Theres not much else i can learn from those games, what I know is that AvP has 3 unique races which all play totally differently. The games are amazing and tense online. And when youre good this is where you realise all the potential and awesomeness these games have. I dont see the fun in this Isolation game when the only appeal would be escaping from something which feels so robotic and lifeless.
@RSM-HQ @gameroutlawzz Most people you knew probably suck at games also. AvP games are amazing. DOOM does nothing special while AvP introduced many unique mechanics. What do you do in Doom? Strafe left and right to dodge bullets and spray your BFG? This has been done to death. Id also rather play Duke Nukem 3D than any doom games. Btw Im 26 and french is my main language so you should appreciate the fact I can actually make well-formulated sentences that makes sense and which most people understands.
@RSM-HQ While I totlaly agree with your review on the game and find it amazing so far ( just reached chapter 6) Black bars havent bothered me at all and the graphics are amazing. This is by far one of my favorite games this year. I agree Chapter 1 is short and cinematics-heavy with a few stealth bits, but the game really takes a good pace after that and stops holding hands.
I just dont understand the appeal of this turd. The alien looks retarded and robotic as F and the game simply boring. Id rather play Outlast than this garbage. The AvP games are still the best alien experience you can get out of all alien games ever made. The 2 first + the one made in 2010 were fantastic games witgh some of the best gameplay mechanics out there. Each race plays totally different but they all required skills to masterise and kill with. But yeah,people dont want gameplay in their games anymore. They want the most dumbed down,simplified turds that requires the less button pressing to enjoy their streamlined story-driven experience n shlt. After that they dare call themselves gamers. What a shame.
@alexanian @Vexov Pocket Infinity? Also please,dont call the Icebreaker Sniper generic or the ARs that deal elemental damages that you only get from completing the raid. My The Comedian auto-shotgun would also like to have a word with you.
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