Just bought bops 3 for zombie chronicles. Its been a while since I played nazi zombie and man now Im having a blast with shadows of evil and der eisendrache in the meantime. Will probably end up getting all the maps.
@Saladudo: Been asking for this forever. Just look at her goofy non-chalant running animation in the game compared to the agility she has in the animated. Same with her hookshot. What a real F'ng joke. 13 sec cooldown? half the time it wont even hook up to the wall and go on cooldown. That shit should be 5-7 sec long max.
@Prats1993: The game isnt even great. The combat is clunky as hell, mimics are boring to fight, so were phantoms in the demo. Now with this speedrun added to it, sorry but I have all reasons to stay away from this mess.
GamerOuTLaWzz's comments