@snarf24: so its ok for you to say don't by oculus because of someone's political beliefs...but not ok for companies to drop a partner due to theirs...gotchya...lol...salient argument you have there.
@Raiden627: thank god this trump crap is almost over, I'm tired of hearing about this walking windbag...few more months and he can slip back into obscurity again.
EA Access was a good start, wish they would have introduced that for my PS4 as well….but yeah, they kind of earned the moniker. I think they failed to realize the most important aspect of sales and products….it takes years to build a client base, and seconds to lose it.
cant wait, loved the first game, based shooter mechanics of this generation, not even close with anything else. While the game was a little shallow, with a lack of campaign, and weapons, the gameplay was epic and super fast.
yay...free content for season pass holders!...Wait...non season pass holders can get the same stuff in seconds? Well...that was worth the 100$ value...for some Division tech and skins..lol....UBISOFT sucks
awesome...skins...those are useful...and Division Tech..useful as well...i mean that one DT will really make an impact lol...this game is a steaming pile of crap right now...has potential, but very underwhelming at the moment, especially after end game content kicks in. Has the same problems every game of its ilk has at start (diablo 3, destiny year one)...they just haven't figured out how to balance things yet, and / or have things work as intended all the time.
@johnnyboy787: you realize the makers of the best COD ever (COD4) created respawn right...the current creators of Titanfall...soo you are actually making fun of COD in an off-handed way lol
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