@Platini: what are you talking about? It had no bugs at all...controls are the best for any FPS in this gen and servers were plentiful...I still play, and they are pretty full. Are you sure we are talking about the same game?
I love that they release COD every year...and we shouldn't overlook the importance of that. Every year they release it is one more year i don't have to hear whiny little kids screaming into their mics...lets the kiddies have their twitch generic shooter, leave BF for the adults...i say this is win win.
@harlemsfinest27: spoken like a true horses ass....this would be good for all gamers...you are a gamer i assume, so this is good for you...jesus...take your head out of your butt
@Whiskey3romeo: the dark zone is empty? lol. What game have you been playing? We routinely run into tons of players in the DZ..last night we were running around with 3 squads of 4 players, demolishing DZ6...maybe you need more friends? or...here is an idea...use the matchmaking feature?
@DraconisRex: sigh...the end game content goes to level 150...so you know...don't let facts get in the way...also...the mobs in the dark zone are crazy ridiculous in DZ6...if you don't enjoy those firefights, there is something wrong with you, not the game. They are crazy intense.
Not for nothing...all MMO's start will a small level cap...then expansions and dlc are released...have you played an mmo before?
@wishface: maybe try something a little easier to understand, lego something or other, perhaps pokemon...I dunno...you sound like someone that struggles with games.
"not much of a future"
This game just broke sales records in the UK...im sure it has a future, just not with you.
@thang78: ummm, because it has tons of content, is great to play with friends, and is fun...I thought the reviewer just went over all this, did you not read the review?
GamerSince78's comments