Wow, another incomplete game brought to market, and once again, we have a "gaming" site (and I use the term very freaking loosely), giving it a pass, with no content.
I am not sure how reviewers arrive at these conclusions....back in the day, reviewers use to steer buyers clear of crap like this. When did gaming sites go from offering valid reporting to this crap.
I am sure the game engine is awesome, and the fighting amazing...but I'm sorry, this is an incomplete game. If you like it, I'm not knocking sounds like it plays very nicely...but this is a joke review and way you can give this a 7...that is an absolute joke.
If it ends up being everything it is promised, go back and change the review at a later date...but this is just absurd.
@dxBIGBOSSxb: ya...I could see that...the sequel does a lot of things just a sucker for an original...and lets call a spade a spade...borderlands is the only reason Gearbox is allowed to make video games still, their other stuff, not sooo good lol.
I was really hoping for a new Borderlands on next gen, but that doesn't seem to be happening...disappointing.
this game has been a nice find...but like any open world / rpg game...this is no different, it will sink or swim on available content, end game content, and far, so good from what I have seen.
@dxBIGBOSSxb: mmmm borderlands...although, I prefer the first to the sequel...although if they deliver even close to what gearbox did, I will love it...loved those games
@Tiwill44: another ubisoft hater...high-budget long you been waiting to unleash that gem. I am amazed how many people have written off this game due to content, considering very little content was shown off in the beta. I guess they could be right, time will tell, but to say it is demo light at this point just really annoys me...Perhaps your comment should read, played light, and if content remains as such, a no-buy....just saying.
@doomsday7teen: really nothing like destiny...loot is different, and more importantly, loot drops load times at all after initial start up...destiny fans would like that I'm sure...its 3rd person, not 1st...the destiny comparison usually is tied to this game in the sense that people think it is going to rip you off like destiny did content wise...that is where I see most people picking at this game...
GamerSince78's comments