Believe me, X1 is fact, it may be very, very fine in the coming years. No secret, publishers are now lining up to work with MSFT within their Azure environment as they can now focus on making the games they want without having to deal with memory issues. Cloud gaming is going to revolutionize consoles and PC games...going to be a cool ride over the next few years, gamers are going to love it.
@wookiegr: I don't see where he made any comment about Sony in his remarks sure did jump all up on him though...would seem you are the fanboy here lol.
Fanboy = people who cant afford both and live at the grace of their parents allowance. (ie... like wookie)
@thetruth239: how is he defensive? His answer is pretty thoughtful. I don't understand why people are freaking out that Xbox is pushing things to Windows 10...its called synergy...its all the little kiddies who think the sky is falling that are causing a raucous over nothing.
cant wait..the first was great...a campaign is nice I guess, but I'm not really that concerned with that. I would love to see some more guns, more titans, and maybe some vehicles...but really liked the first so I'm fine if it is similar.
@RSM-HQ: titanfall is the best shooter of this is faster than any shooter out there, introduce wall running and verticality which had not been done before...sorry you didn't like need to kick that up again...leave it in the past where it belongs, the new game is going to flop. Overwatch looks great...but that is a moba and not a FPS, so not sure why you are comparing those...
haha and no one cares...god I wish that title would just die already...such a terrible game, doesn't even resemble the gold standard years of the game anymore (COD4, MW2/3). This title just drags on, not realizing it is dead.
@youre_a_sheep: seriously...that, or just stop reviewing games...when I see crap like this that passes as a professional review it really ticks me off...there is definitely a credibility issue in gaming journalilsm these days, why that is however, is a pretty layered conversation, from cost of running a gaming site with no real attractive revenue model outside of click advertising, through to not being able to monetize views through their own video device (thanks youtube).
It is a hard issue to solve, but they better figure something out fast. These "half-pregnant" measures of appeasing publishers versus pissing off gamers with crap like this review, are a delicate balance that can't last.
@drinkerofjuice: LOOK...I get you like the not bashing the game at all...I thought I made that pretty fact, from what I hear, the core game elements are great!\
That is not my issue is with the review...How can anyone give this a pass with so much missing I need to play the game to comment on missing content? I mean, I would get it if I was saying the game sucks, and had not played it, that would make sense. I am simply pointing out the fact that this game got such a good review, with so much crap missing.
It doesn't look like I'm alone here. Again, not knocking your choice of games...hell, I love MGS5, but that has cut content, and I don't think it was worthy of the number it got either.
It makes no difference to me that Capcom told people it would be light on content beforehand...has no bearing on this at all. That is just another item this so-called reviewer should have mentioned as a point of contention, as in, don't release an unfinished game perhaps?
GamerSince78's comments