"men made more money than women in every category except programming. " Teh irony! So instead of asking why are they paying women less? People here are asking why aren't there more women in teh industry.
@TenraiSenshi I love this comment. Matter of preference... there are those who are fighting to claim rights as access to contraception, passing violence against women act, building shelters, push congress to sign cedaw, a paid maternity leave, equal pay and those who could only and pretentiously address what they consider an issue.
Quota is sexist. You hire people for their talent and not their race, religion, gender..etc. As a woman it would be insulting to know that I wasn't hired because of my talent but because of my gender. Any woman can fill that space.
@CharlieSpot @carolynmichelle I'll go Charlie bai bai. Not interested in her built on assumptions project. 40% of people who draw cchi manga in Japan are females. :) There are countless female artists who draw nude women and write and feature nude women in their books, films and such. Your guest is a feminspector.
@CharlieSpot @carolynmichelle There's more to those women than their clothes. Ask her what does she think of Bayonetta. Show her some pics and videos then ask her whether she knows that Bayonetta's creator asked people to not draw her in doujins and hentai magazines. That's someone intending to objectify women for you.
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