For those still ranting about the review score, Bayonetta 2 got a 10 because it could not have been a better game at the time it was released and with the tech its on.
That's not to say its a better game than GTA V. Better and worst is subjective. Review ratings is an objective measure of a game (though there is undoubtedly subjective elements that sway that measure).
Super Mario Galaxy got a 10 and I couldn't care less. That's not to say it doesn't deserve a 10. Its just not my game.
I do think that GTAV is as close as you can get to a 10 but because its so big and ambitious, critically you will always be able to find things that could have been improved and so a 9 could be justified.
@tradbowarcher I respect Gamespot for delivering the correct score imho. Other reviewers probably looked more to the package value / campaign than they did the multiplayer aspect which is fine but most players will be playing multiplayer so I think its right to weight the score accordingly.
@pspearman I take your point but have to disagree my friend. Review scores have to be accurate as of date they are published, not of the potential a game has once all the issues are resolved. Any person reading/watching the review however, should be able to understand that once the issues are resolved it will be a great game but the score represents its current state,
@NTM23 @garysingh34 Yeah I suspect the first 6 hours of hide and seek will be a delight but if its 20 hours of padding then it may become a bore. I will reserve my judgement until Ive played it.
Anyone else bummed out that this is one of another anticipated title this year that has not lived up to its expectations? Im not one of those that is only content on a game when the reviews are high - I tend to play everything. Destiny for example is a bore and Titanfall is well, Titanfall. I really hope games will start getting better and we start to see more 9's and 10's!
garysingh34's comments