sum cutting edge shit here - I like the reactive grip the best, imagine having that feedback, people would then be incentivised to for example do stealth kills rather than hack and slash. Could be interesting.
Danny that was an excellent job interview to host next years awards! lol! Seriously though, total respect to ya! You speak for gamers because you are one and its refreshing that someone picked up on all this. Danny for president of gamers!
@Tuckpoint @garysingh34 Yeah and the way I see it, if it turns out to all be gimmicky, the core gaming experience remains. If Microsoft deviate from this, then they will deserve all the flack. But at the moment the gaming experience is no different to PS4 so I cant understand the logic in opting for less like Jess is advocating.
Seriously server/connection issues should not affect the review of the game - we all know they will eventually get ironed out. Once they are BF4 is an exceptional game.
@dnmt @garysingh34 @SpiderLuke Sorry I was talking about the controller not the console - the console is huge but again is something that gets tucked away and never seen again so not to much of an issue.
@Tuckpoint @garysingh34 Well I say gut because I bought both but decided to only keep one as there just really isn't enough exclusives or even games yet to justify having both. My 'gut' tells me that the Xbox one is the right console for me - for now - and that goes against me being a bit of a PS fanboy. I really did try to fight it but it just feels more like the next step whereas the PS4 feels like "just" an improved games console.
@Grimkillah This is the one good reason to hold back - I was thinking of getting through all my backlog then selling up to help with next gen purchases but decided against it.
garysingh34's comments