A lot of humanities students are taught this nonsense nowadays that media depictions shape reality. So called "critical theory" is often forced into literary criticism. Unfortunately it's pseudo-scientific nonsense.
Right, that's why I said arbitrary "for the most part".
Not many games have Canadians as villains because it would require writing much more backstory to explain how that happened. So Russians/Arabs/N.Koreans are used because it allows you to set your game in a semi-realistic present or future.
But if Canadians WERE chosen as villains, it would unlikely be "saying something" about the developers attitude. This whole ridiculous idea that you can just mindread intentions in people's work is insultingly stupid. Most decisions like this are taken for convenience or story reasons. It's almost never because you want to make some kind of real world "message". Especially in a first person shooter video game.
What complete nonsense. Video games and stories are very often "saying" absolutely nothing in the sense you mean. The nationality of a villain in fiction is for the most part completely arbitrary and is not part of any kind of social meaning.
Their reasoning for choosing North Korea is probably as simple as: they don't communicate with the rest of the world so are the least likely to complain about it!
It only reveals disgusting attitudes in your mind because you're eager to see that. It reveals almost nothing about the creator's actual attitudes.
What pathetic outrage mongering Gamespot. What is it with you media types nowadays and trying to constantly make it out like media needs to be nice and inoffensive and also realistic on political and social issues. Newsflash: It doesn't. Almost no developers think like this and it's a damn good thing they don't. Fiction should be as ridiculous and offensive as a creator wants it to be to create the experience they're looking for.
Well at least she's actually targeting something this time that is/was actually sexist. Won't have to cherry pick and misrepresent stuff to get her data.
garywood69's comments