[QUOTE="genaroll"][QUOTE="SheikhMuhammad"]Noone bought the xbox everyone bought a ps2.Microsoft wasn't in gaming during the ps1 times.Xbox 360 comes it's more popular than the ps3 even with the 1 gen headstart.So you have no reason to use the headstart excuse.So you keep quiet because the ps3 won't surpass the 360 it will catch up but won't surpass it. lol your wrong bro. You 360 fanboys, to be honest, are a bit scared with the catching up that Sony has been doing. How come Sony is loosing? They have a better line-up of exclusives, they have added a new controller that is Move, there system has yet to meet its full potential and they are releasing games that support 3D. It does everything. And trust me, the day when HDTV gets cheaper and Blu-ray movies get popular, you'll go out yourself for the cheapest Blu-ray player available, and you very well know which one that is. Why buy a blueray when i have a ps3 and i didn't say they were lose op did I said the ps3 will continue to catch up but won't surpass.Do you know that the 360 and ps3 are the same exclusive wise but since your a fanboy you think it can only be played on the 360 even though both games are made by the same company.Congrats on thinking it isn't maxed out even though it's best looking game doesn't have many enemy ai on screen.Kinnect is new but not a controller.You sound like an advertiser you know,hyping people to buy something when you barely know anything about it.The difference between the sales of the two consoles is only 4 million. 360 was released a year before Playstation 3, and yet the difference has been reduced. So the fact is that Microsoft are the ones who are falling behind and Sony is gaining up, and with the list of exclusives that playstation has, i am pretty sure that small gap will be covered soon enough.
And the day when Playstation 3 sales surpasses 360 sales, even if it is at the end of this generation, you 360 FANBOYS WILL BE OWNED FOR LIFE. So i advice you to please be quiet.
genaroll's forum posts
June 19 2011.Do you want to know the lotto?[QUOTE="genaroll"][QUOTE="OneLazyAsian"]
Nice to see that both of you guys have time machines. Now can you go to the future and tell me when FFVXIII is gonna be released?
Wow..already released and I didn't even know it. Gotta run to the store then!
Lol 2011......2011Noone bought the xbox everyone bought a ps2.Microsoft wasn't in gaming during the ps1 times.Xbox 360 comes it's more popular than the ps3 even with the 1 gen headstart.So you have no reason to use the headstart excuse.So you keep quiet because the ps3 won't surpass the 360 it will catch up but won't surpass it.[QUOTE="genaroll"][QUOTE="SheikhMuhammad"]
The difference between the sales of the two consoles is only 4 million. 360 was released a year before Playstation 3, and yet the difference has been reduced. So the fact is that Microsoft are the ones who are falling behind and Sony is gaining up, and with the list of exclusives that playstation has, i am pretty sure that small gap will be covered soon enough.
And the day when Playstation 3 sales surpasses 360 sales, even if it is at the end of this generation, you 360 FANBOYS WILL BE OWNED FOR LIFE. So i advice you to please be quiet.
Nice to see that both of you guys have time machines. Now can you go to the future and tell me when FFVXIII is gonna be released?
June 19 2011.Do you want to know the lotto?Noone bought the xbox everyone bought a ps2.Microsoft wasn't in gaming during the ps1 times.Xbox 360 comes it's more popular than the ps3 even with the 1 gen headstart.So you have no reason to use the headstart excuse.So you keep quiet because the ps3 won't surpass the 360 it will catch up but won't surpass it.The difference between the sales of the two consoles is only 4 million. 360 was released a year before Playstation 3, and yet the difference has been reduced. So the fact is that Microsoft are the ones who are falling behind and Sony is gaining up, and with the list of exclusives that playstation has, i am pretty sure that small gap will be covered soon enough.
And the day when Playstation 3 sales surpasses 360 sales, even if it is at the end of this generation, you 360 FANBOYS WILL BE OWNED FOR LIFE. So i advice you to please be quiet.
The 360 lineup is better i dont see the 360 exclusives is better.Stop trying so hard and just agree or disagree with the games coming out on the 360 and stop getting a fan attack.Fable 2 didnt exactly help out Gears 2 in the system wars arguments back in 2008, so why should Fable 3 do any better paired with Halo Reach? Include Fable if you want, its still not going to match up with either GT5 or LBP2. Its only hope is that Socom 4 stays in the 8's with it.
Whats wrong with Fable 3 (not available on the Wii and PS3) and Crackdown 2? PS3 has just 2 games as well, LBP2 and GT5....Socom will be a huge flop (its so casualized now).
I was referring to exclusives, Fable 3 is not exclusive (Its available on the Xbox 360 and PC which is 2 platforms). Crackdown 2 is very unimpressive, expect it to flop like the first one.
So you can still play on the 360 and none of other consoles...The 360 has a huge advantage in its lineup with games like ME2, Splintercell and thats was one of the reasons I bought the 360 in the first place. The title says LINEUP so why shouldn't some "multiplats" count which are not available on any other consoles?
Because if they included multiplats they would have no reason to bash the 360.
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